MAD Magazine

The Tarantino Story, Part 2

July 30th, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine

In our previous episode I told the story about how I got hired to do illustrations of a fake TV Guide and MAD cover to be used as props for Quentin Tarantino’s new movie “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”. The adventure continues… Having ended up delivering the images that were going to appear in the film digitally because of a sudden change of shooting dates, I now had plenty of time to do the actual painted versions. These originals were part of the arrangement, and would be owned by Quentin. As it happens, I was going to be in Los Angeles about a month… READ MORE

The Tarantino Story

July 29th, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine

This is going to be a long post because this story took place over the course of 18 months, had not a few twists and turns including my doing the final art TWICE, and ended up being something very different than what it started out to be. Plus I’ve been keeping this a secret for all this time, so I want to tell the story right. Bear with me… In March of 2018 I received an email from Chris Call of Call Props, who was serving as “Property Master” for Quentin Tarantino’s upcoming film “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”. Chris had found me via… READ MORE

“Lousy Law” Sneak Peek

July 24th, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine

MAD posted a small sneak peek of the “Lousy Law” parody art today on their Instagram. This is a cropped panel from the five page parody of the fictional TV show Leonardo DiCaprio’s character in “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” was the star of in the late 50’s/early 60’s. I’ll post more sneak peeks once the issue hit’s the stands (that’s the last time I’ll be able to say THAT) on Aug 6th. READ MORE

MAD About Tarantino!

July 23rd, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Last night on the Jimmy Kimmel show “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” director Quentin Tarantino was very enthusiastic about the next issue of MAD Magazine (that part starts at the 6:35 mark). I will share the story about how this all came about and share the artwork after the issue comes out on Aug 5th (or earlier if MAD does the official reveal themselves). READ MORE

San Diego Comic-Con Exclusive Print!

July 16th, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine

I’m off to San Diego Comic Con! My “exclusive comic con print” went pretty well in Atlanta last weekend, so I’m doing another one for SDCC. In honor of the season three release a little over a week ago, the exclusive print for SDCC 2019 is an oversized print (13″ x 19″) of the splash page from MAD‘s parody of “Stranger Things from issue 548. Limited to only 20 prints. Hand signed and numbered. ONLY available at San Diego Comic Con this weekend. If I don’t sell them all the remainder will be shredded. Hope to see you in San Diego!! READ MORE

Monday MADness- Fools of Rock!

July 15th, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Apologies for the lack of posts around here recently. I’ve been either on the road or on deadline. In fact I’m on the latter today and the former again tomorrow! In the meantime today’s Monday MADness features a look at my final art for MAD‘s parody of “School of Rock” written by Dick DeBartolo from MAD #438, Feb. 2004. READ MORE

Monday MADness: First MAD Job?

July 8th, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine

What constitutes my very first MAD job depends on your definition of “first”. Would that be the first thing I was ever assigned to do and then paid for doing it by the magazine? The first thing I ever did that appeared under the MAD brand in any form (i.e. on their website?) or the first thing I did that actually saw print in an issue? Technically the very first job I ever got from MAD was assigned to me 19 years ago last month (June 2000). It was a feature called “MAD‘s Cable TV Viewing Odds”, written by John Biederman. This job was what… READ MORE

The End of the MADness

July 4th, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Yesterday contributors to MAD Magazine officially got the news that, after 67 years of continuous publication that began with Harvey Kurtzman‘s brilliant comic book and eventually evolved into the magazine that forever changed the world of satire and humor, MAD will stop publishing all new content after issue #10 in October. The magazine will continue with classic reprint material and SOME new content under new cover art but will only be sold via the direct market and current subscriptions. News stand distribution will cease. Subscriptions are still being solicted and will continue with the new reprint/new stuff mix. DC will continue to publish books and… READ MORE


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