MAD Magazine

Monday MADness- Another Aquaman Sneak Peek!

April 15th, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Here’s another little peek at one of the panels from Desmond Devlin and my parody of “Aquaman” in the new issue of MAD. Whaddya mean you want to read the words in the balloons? Whaddya think this is, a furshlugginer library? The issue comes out tomorrow so go buy a copy, cold! READ MORE

Monday MADness: MAD #7!

April 8th, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine

MAD dropped the cover of issue #7 (art by Chris Wahl) last Friday along with a sneak peek of “Avenjerks: Is This Ever Gonna End-Game” by Ian Boothby and Gideon Kendall on Visit the link to have a look. In case you missed it, on Saturday posted a peek at the splash page of Des Devlin’s and my “Aquaman” parody in this issue. READ MORE

MAD #7 Sneak Peek- Awkward, Man!

April 6th, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine just posted an exclusive sneak peek at the splash page of Desmond Devlin and my parody of “Aquaman”. Check out the art above! READ MORE

A MAD Birthday to Sam and Al!

March 13th, 2019 | Posted in General

March is a big month for MAD birthdays. In a little over a week a certain master MAD caricaturist turns 90… but today is a double! Longtime MAD artist turned art director Sam Viviano shares a birthday today with the legendary Fold-In man himself, Al Jaffee! Sam turns 66, while Al is a whopping 98! 98!!!! Both of these gentlemen were huge influences on me as both a young artist and today. Happy birthday, Al and Sam! READ MORE

Monday MADness- Harry Plodder!

March 11th, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Today’s Monday MADness is from way back in Dec 2002- one of my favorite panels from MAD #424’s “Harry Plodder and the Lamest of Sequels” written by Desmond Devlin. READ MORE

Monday MADness: Fav MAD#6 Panel #3!

March 4th, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Here’s a peek at another favorite panel from MAD #6’s “Merry Poopins Goes to the White House” written by Ian Boothby. This one is from page 5. Why is it one of my favorites? Uh….. READ MORE

A MAD #6 Favorite Panel: #2!

February 26th, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Whoops, this was supposed to post next Monday! Oh well. Here’s my favorite panel from “Merry Poopins Visits the White House” from MAD #6. In case you missed them, here’s the splash and a panel from page 3. I liked this panel just because it’s the better of the caricatures I did of Emily Blunt and Lin Manuel Miranda. The filmmakers went out of their way to try and make Emily Blunt look a lot less like Emily Blunt in this film, so capturing her was difficult. Ordinarily she has these sleeply-lidded eyes with a pronounced dark bulge under them, and a kind of protruding… READ MORE

Monday MADness- MAD #6 Favorite Panel #1

February 25th, 2019 | Posted in General

I shared a peek at the “Merry Poopins goes to the White House” splash page from MAD #6 last week, but that feature I did with writer Ian Boothby was six page long. So for the next few weeks I’m going to post a favorite panel from each page. This was my fav from page 3, mostly because of the background gag. I drew in a “David” statue with Trump‘s head, with a cell phone of course, and with even more enormous hands that the real David has. I think that is a gag but I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump hadn’t commissioned something like… READ MORE


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