MAD Magazine

Digital MAD Moving to Magzter

October 10th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine

For those of you who hated the MAD iPad app for getting the digital version of the magazine, good news! MAD is discontinuing the app and moving its digital subscriptions over to Magzter. Here are all the details: Q: What happened to my MAD in my MAD app? A: We have listened to our fans through tweets, emails, Facebook, and millions of two complaints via Google+ – the experience of reading issues on the MAD app left much to be desired. We want our fans who like to read the magazine digitally to have as enjoyable and effortless reading experience as those who read the… READ MORE

MAD Sketch Covers at NYCC!

October 9th, 2018 | Posted in General

I’m getting home from New York today where The Lovely Anna and I did New York Comic Con. The show was crazy busy, especially with commissions. One of the things I do are “sketch covers”. For those not familiar with these, they are comics that have a heavyweight blank paper cover over top of the printed cover. This blank cover usually has the logo of the comic on it, so artists can draw their own “cover” on it. It’s a popular thing at comic book conventions. Anyway, MAD has done two of these sketch covers, one was issue #539. I have a pile of those… READ MORE

On the Stands: MAD #4!

October 8th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine

In subscribers mailboxes for a week or so already, on newsstands everywhere tomorrow and in comic book shops and digital this week! Cover (Gary Pullin) ToC Art (Ron English) Rejected Monster Cereals (Jeff Kruse, Dean Macadam) Sad New Ways to Feel Good About Yourself (Teresa Burns Parkhurst) Sven, Golly, It’s… Svengoolie (Ian Boothby, Tom Richmond) A Slasher Movie Scene We’d Like to See (David DeGrand) Melania Trump Paper Doll (Sina Grace) Cthasper the Friendly Elder God (Peter-John Byrnes, Nick “The Hat” Gucker) Stink Lines Through Art History (Maria Bamford, Scott Marvel Cassidy) The Ghastlygun Tinies (Matt Cohen, Marc Palm) A MAD Look at Dia de… READ MORE

A Svengoolie Shout Out!

October 5th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine The cat (or bat, as this case may be) is out of the bag that I did the artwork on a parody (sort of) of TV horror host Svengoolie and his show in issue #4. However back in July before I had that job “in the can” (that’s showbiz talk for “completed”) one of the show’s… uh… henchmen Kevin stopped by my booth at San Diego Comic Con and had me do a live-style caricature of Svengoolie. They shared that drawing on a recent show in their mail segment, video link above. Svengoolie also gives a shout out to my pal Scott Shaw! who… READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week: “Ironic, Man” Roughs!

October 3rd, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Once again too busy for a sketch today… in fact I’m on my way to New York for New York Comic Con, which starts tomorrow! Here’s a look at the original pencil roughs for MAD‘s parody of “Iron Man” that appeared in MAD #492, Aug 2008, written by Desmond Devlin. These are available in the Studio Store. READ MORE

MAD #4 Sneak Peek: Svengoolie!

October 2nd, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine

I had planned on waiting until the issue came out to post this, but had the scoop on MAD‘s Svengoolie feature in issue #4 yesterday, so I guess no need to keep it under wraps anymore. Here’s a look at the splash page of  the parody I drew in MAD #4, written by Ian Boothby. Be sure to visit that article as they have two of the interioir pages as well as the splash.  I also promised to explain what makes this parody different, but not unprecedented, in MAD. A few people are wondering why horror TV host Svengoolie does not have a… READ MORE

Monday MADness: MAD #4 Sneak Peek!

September 24th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Here’s another close-up sneak peek of a panel from the piece I did in the upcoming Halloween-themed MAD #4! You might be sensing a theme here as well. -Tom is on vacation outside the country, so comment moderation and responses may not happen for a while. Je suis désolé!- READ MORE

MAD Issue #4 Sneak Peek!

September 15th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine

MAD has started posting sneak peeks of issue #4 on their Instragram, including this close up of a panel from the feature I worked on. It’s their “Halloween” issue, so many of the features will have a horror theme. I did the art on a six page parody that includes references to several classic horror films. It’s a departure from the typical MAD parody, a little like the “Xander and Kam’s Sneaky Previews” piece from MAD #2, with multiple films and TV shows being referenced. Can’t really say much more without giving it all away. MAD #4 hits newsstands Oct 17th. READ MORE


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