MAD Magazine

Monday MADness- DIY Alfred!

September 3rd, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine

A MAD fan brought this home made Alfred E. Neuman bust to Chicago Comic-Con last weekend and had me sign the shirt. It’s made from of one of the classic Cesar Company Alfred masks from the early 80’s, combined with soft foam sculpture and hand painting. So cool! READ MORE

MAD #3 Sneak Peek

August 7th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine

As promised, here’s a look at the splash page and few of the panels from MAD #3’s spoof of “Ready Player One”, written by Desmond Devlin. Whaddya mean, you want to “read the jokes in the balloons”??? What do you think this is, a furshlugginer library?!? Go out and buy a copy of MAD #3, clod! READ MORE

On the Stands: MAD #3!

August 6th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine

In subscribers mailboxes for a week or so already, on newsstands everywhere tomorrow and in comic book shops and digital this week! Cover– (Mark Fredrickson) ToC (Art by George Woodbridge) Messy Layered One (Desmond Devlin, Tom Richmond) MAD’s Sneaky Tech Tips (Dick DeBartolo, Luke McGarry) Fairy Tale Scenes We’d Like to See (Sergio Aragonés, Colors: Tom Luth) Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper) Postcard from a State of Depression (Mary Trainor) Roach Guy (Joe Kwaczala, Phil “Burrito Breath” Guy) Potrzebie Comics Cover (Kerry Callen) Infant Terrible (Paula Sevenbergen & Allie Goertz, Paulina Ganucheau) The Origin of Spidery-Man (Kerry Callen) Boonies, Burbs and Burgs (Bob Fingerman) Let’s… READ MORE

Monday MADness- Scrubs!

July 30th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine

This week’s Monday MADness is a look at MAD‘s parody of the TV show “[scrubs]” from MAD #426, Feb 2003. This was the only article I ever illustrated that was written by longtime MAD editor Charlie Kadau. There are a couple of “insider” cameos in this splash. The guy in the black shirt and the severed arm in the lower right was my physical trainer at the time, Rich Dolan. I thew him in there just for fun. The guy with the glasses putting on the rubber glove next to Kevorkian is former MAD associate editor Greg Leitman, who happened to be college roommates with… READ MORE

MAD #3 Sneak Peek!

July 9th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine

MAD is starting to post some teasers for issue three on their Instragram, said issue to hit newsstands in early August. Here’s a close up of some of my art for MAD #3. I guess you can figure out what movie we are spoofing … or maybe not. READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag: Inside Scoop on next MAD?

July 1st, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Q: Aside from whatever contributions you make to an issue of Mad Magazine, to what other contents in the magazine are you privy before it hits the newsstands?  Do you get to see artwork for the cover or are you told about random articles in the upcoming issues, or are you as much in the dark as any regular Mad Magazine reader whose only contribution is the $5.99 (cheap!) we cough up every two months? A: Other than my piece, I get to see none of it. If I happen to be in town and drop into the offices, and the staff has an advanced… READ MORE

Monday MADness: Board Game Movies!

June 11th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Back in MAD #502 (Jan 2010) writer Jacob Lambert made fun of Hollywood’s sudden interest in movies based on board games with this 2 pager I illustrated entitled “Board Game Based Movies We’ll Soon Be Seeing”. Pencils and finals of each below:   READ MORE

MAD’s “Don’t Let the Penguin Drive the Batmobile”!

June 7th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine

I guess the word is out on this, so I can share it here. First there was Goodnight Batcave, then there was Superman and the Miserable, Rotten, No Fun, Really Bad Day. Now MAD continues it’s shameful desecration of everyone’s childhood memories with the third volume in their kid’s book parody series, Don’t Let the Penguin Drive the Batmobile! Former MAD associate editor Jacob Lambert does the dishonors with the writing this time, while I mail it in with the artwork. This book has actually been done for over a year, and I have twice had to have a face to face conversation with an… READ MORE


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