April 9th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine
If you are not following MAD Magazine on Instagram you are missing out on frequent sneak peeks at some of the artwork you’ll see in the new MAD #1, which comes out a week from tomorrow!! The above is a close up of part of a panel from my art on MAD‘s parody of “Riverdale” written by Ian Boothby. READ MORE
March 29th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Here’s another official sneak peek at part of the new MAD #1, a mash-up of cropped panels from the parody of “Riverdale”, which features an homage to Will Elder‘s classic “Starchie” from MAD #12. Written by Ian Boothby with art by me. How is an Elder homage going to fit into the Riverdale spoof, you ask? You’ll just have to buy the issue On April 17th to find out… Fa Fa Fa! Oh, and MAD posted this sneak peek on their Instagram: READ MORE
March 27th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine
The new MAD staff gave the Usual Gang of Idiots the OK to share a little peek at what we did for the new MAD #1. Here’s a close up look at a little part of a panel from the parody of “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” I did the art for, written by Desmond Devlin. I did not really impart on yesterday’s posts how impressed I was with what they are doing with the new MAD. It’s going to be very comics-centric (and visually stunning) but still have the irreverence and lunacy of the MAD you’ve known and loved for 66 years. I’ll post… READ MORE
March 26th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine
After weeks of teasing and gaslighting readers with hints about what to expect, this past weekend the new look MAD Magazine was unveiled at Wondercon in Anaheim. So, what was real and what were gags about the new MAD? Here’s a rundown: Alfred E Neuman gets a facelift and becomes Al Newman– Gag. Alfred is still Alfred. He’s still a gap-toothed idiot. He’s not this: They are redesigning the logo– True, but it’s not the horrific 80’s chrome monstrosity seen above. That was a gag. The new logo: It’s clearly a re-imagining of the classic Kurtman Era logo from the comic book days. MAD is… READ MORE
March 17th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine
March 13th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Illustrations done for CNN, circa 2011 Wishing a happy birthday today to two of my artistic heroes! Longtime MAD artist and MAD‘s art director for over two decades, Sam Viviano has been a real mentor to me for twenty plus years. Sam is 65 today! That’s barely out of diapers compared to the other birthday boy. Al Jaffee is 97 years old today. He just completed yet another fold-in job for MAD, where his artwork has appeared in 500 of the 550 published issues. I don’t throw the term “genius” around lightly, but in Al’s case the shoe fits. As an artist, writer and humorist,… READ MORE
March 12th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Caricature of longtime MAD scribe Des Devlin for MAD 550’s feature article “Gotcha! Mug Shots of Common (but Despicable) Criminals” written by Scott Maiko. Uhhh… sorry, Des? READ MORE
March 6th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine
The other day I was talking to someone about MAD‘s history and had to correct them about something that is a persistent inaccuracy about why MAD went from a comic book to a magazine: the mistaken belief that the 1954 congressional hearings on comic books and “juvenile delinquency” had anything to do with it. For some reason people think that Harvey Kurtzman and Bill Gaines changed MAD from a comic book to a magazine in order to avoid having to adhere to the then newly formed Comics Code Authority, a self-censoring body the comic book industry created to avoid the government censorship that was on… READ MORE