MAD Magazine

On the Stands: MAD #550

February 17th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine

In subscriber mailboxes, digital format and in comic books shops now, on news stands everywhere Tuesday! Cover– Mark Fredrickson The Fundalini Pages (Kenny Keil, Ed Steckley, Jon Adams, Michael Gallagher, Ray Alma, Dakota McFadzean, Mike Morse, Rich Powell, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Nathan Cooper, Chris Carson, Jonathan Edwards, Matt Lassen, John Kirschbaum, Evan Waite, Jason Yungbluth, Jeff Kruse, Seppo Virtanen, Timothy Shamey, Sam Sisco, Jose Garibaldi, Drew Panckeri) First Aid for the Choking Victim in the Digital Age (Dick DeBartolo, Jacob Chabot) This is Pus (Desmond Devlin, Tom Richmond) Boomers vs Millennials (Kenny Keil, Rick Tulka (colorist Jim Campbelll) & Justin Peterson) Donald Trump’s Letter to… READ MORE

Monday MADness: Last NYC MAD

February 12th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine

MAD #550 is starting to show up in subscribers mailboxes and digitally via the MAD app, etc. (Cover above by Mark Fredrickson). I’ll list the contents as always in the week the issue is due on newsstands, which is next week Tuesday. This was the last issue produced by the New York City MAD staff, although the last production touches and the ceremonial sending off to the printer actually took place in the new year at the new offices in Burbank. Word is the new LA MAD staff added the copy above the logo on the cover, and the back cover image teasing the “New… READ MORE

MAD Money Not So Funny… to FBI!

February 8th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Mental Floss has a great article about time MAD printed a phony $3 bill as part of an article and got in some trouble with the FBI and the U.S. Treasury Dept. The article in question appeared in MAD #115 (the same issue that Mort Drucker and Dick De Bartolo‘s famous parody of Star Trek, “Star Blecch” appeared). It was entitled “MAD Mintlies” and featured phony coins poking fun at obsessed coin collectors. It also featured the fore mentioned fake $3 bill. Art by Bob Clarke, BTW. Despite the fact that it was cheaply printed in black and white, featured none of the engraving or… READ MORE

MAD Online

January 30th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine

This was posted last week on the MAD‘s website/blog aka “The Idiotical“. I know there are a number of big plans for an increased MAD online presence both on their website and in social media, but I am not sure when it’s going to be launched. Probably with the first west coast produced issue in April. Will keep you posted. READ MORE

Getting MAD in Burbank

January 18th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Pictured: MAD Executive Editor Bill Morrison and Art Director Suzy Hutchinson going over the pencils for my first parody with them… went better than I expected. The Lovely Anna and I dropped by the new MAD offices in Burbank while I on my west coast workshop tour. Most of the stuff from the NYC offices had just arrived and was still in boxes, but things were definitely looking MAD there. All the offices have colored glass sliding doors with DC characters and scene on them, including a few MAD ones. Clark and I working on a story… Perusing Bill Gaines’ personal bound copy of the… READ MORE

Monday MADness: MAD Radio Interview!

December 18th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

MAD Senior VP & Executive Editor John Ficarra was interviewed yesterday morning on NYC radio station AM970 The Answer on the “Morano in the Morning” show. Here’s the interview, John’s segment starts at 17:51: READ MORE

MAD #549 Sneak Peek #2

December 14th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

© 2017 EC Comics/MAD Magazine- As promised, here’s a look at the art for the other piece I had in this issue… a parody of the movie poster for “Wet Hot American Summer” but entitled “White Hate American Summer”. Some of the people depicted are from the VICE mini-documentary “Charlottesville: Race and Terror”. Original “Wet Hot American Summer” movie poster below. Whaddaya mean you want to read the jokes? What do you think this is, a furshlugginer library? Go buy a copy of MAD #549, clod! It’s on news stands now! I replaced the art only image with the piece as it appeared in print… READ MORE

Monday MADness: The OD!

December 4th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Anyone remember the mid 2000’s FOX prime time soap opera about privileged and whiny teenagers from southern California called “The O.C.”? Me neither. But MAD did a parody of it in #442, June 2004. It was written by Dennis Snee with art by me. The pencil roughs from the splash are lost to posterity, but here’s look at the finished art and the inks from the splash page and the pencil roughs and finshes of the rest of the parody. Just for fun I drew two (at the time) teenagers I knew who were actually FROM Orange County, Joe and Luke McGarry. They are the… READ MORE


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