MAD Magazine
December 1st, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine
The Huffington Post released an exclusive sneak peek at MAD #549 yesterday, including a look at one of the two pieces I did for the issue (see above). This is the annual “20 Dumbest People, Events, and Things” of the year issue. I did one other “20 Dumbest” piece as well, I’ll post a peek at that once the issue hits the stands Dec12th. By the way, that HuffPo exclusive also showed the cover of MAD #549 (art by Mark Fredrickson). Click the link above to check that out! Incidentally this is the second to last issue for the NYC staff. I’m currently wrapping up… READ MORE
November 13th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Here’s a rare look at a splash page I did for a MAD parody from roughs through final pencils, inks, and color. The published final is above. It’s rare because I very seldom scan my final pencils in before inking them, so I have few examples of the pencil stage. This is a parody of the short lived TV show “Samantha Who?” as written by Dick DeBartolo and appeared in MAD #489, May 2008. Clicky to embiggen. Pencil Roughs Final Pencils Inks Final Color READ MORE
November 6th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine
This is a two page spread I did for the book Inside MAD back in 2013. It was just for the book and never appeared in the magazine. Inside MAD is a large book full of rarely seen reprints of MAD features as chosen by the Usual gang of Idiots, as well as essays by a number of famous entertainers about how MAD influenced their careers. The introduction of the book is written by the very successful comedy film writer, director and producer Judd Apatow. In his intro, he points out that MAD never has done a spoof of any of his movies or TV… READ MORE
November 2nd, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Shameless Huckstering Dept. Today I am finally getting my shipment of copies of MAD #548 with my Stranger Things cover and art on Desmond Delvin‘s 7 page parody of the show. It’s available in the Studio Store, signed and everything and vastly overpriced. READ MORE
October 30th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine
In late July I got a call from MAD art director Sam Viviano asking me if I was interested in doing the cover of issue #548, which would be a “Stranger Things” theme. I was in the middle of doing the art on Desmond Devlin‘s 7 page parody of “Stranger Things” at the time, so this was a no-brainer for me. Actually, ANY cover assignment for MAD is always a no-brainer. Covers jobs are rare as there are only six covers a year, and the brilliant Mark Fredrickson deservedly gets 99.9% of them. I had only ever done one other cover for the main magazine,… READ MORE
October 16th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine
One of the highlights of the Lakes International Comic Art Festival for me was the “MAD Vs. Viz” panel featuring the one and only Sergio Aragonés and myself representing MAD, and the very funny Graham Dury and Simon Thorp from the British humor magazine Viz, moderated by John McShane. John interviews Sergio and Graham Viz is a hilarious publication featuring a compilation of short comics by various creators, fake ads, parodies of tabloids and letters pages, and other features. It was founded in 1979, and at one time was the third biggest selling magazine in all of Britain. Its humor is often raunchy and politically… READ MORE
October 9th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine
This year’s “Mad about MAD” panel at New York Comic Con was special in a number of ways. Oh, it had the usual hilarity lead by VP, Editor and Executive Grand Poo-bah John Ficarra and VP of Art Direction and Grand High Schmuck Sam Viviano. It also had a stellar line up of “The Usual Gang of Idiots” including editors Joe Railoa and Charlie Kadau, former editor Nick Meglin, living legend Al Jaffee, long-time writer Dick DeBartolo, cover artist Mark Fredrickson, and cartoonist Teresa Burns Parkhurst. What was really fantastic was the number of MAD contributors in the audience, who got shout outs from John.… READ MORE
October 3rd, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine
As Promised, a sneak peek at some of my art from the Desmond Devlin penned parody of “Stranger Things”. Whaddya mean you want to read the jokes in the word balloons??? What do you think this is, a furshlugginer library? Go out and buy the issue, clod! READ MORE