MAD Magazine

My Second MAD Cover!

September 20th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Entertainment Weekly just posted an exclusive sneak peek of MAD #548, featuring my second MAD cover as well as a look at the splash page of the corresponding parody I did the art for… “Stranger Things”! Visit the EW website for a much higher resolution look plus some more info on what you can expect in the next issue of MAD Magazine (big deal!)! READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag- Where Do You Start?

September 17th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Q: When you start a drawing, in what part of the body (if it is a sketch) do you start it? Is it the shape of the head, the eyes, the nose, or does it depend on the subject? A: If I am working in the studio or on a drawing that is not a live caricature, I start with the head shape, and then block in the eyes and nose (the “T” shape), then the mouth, etc. I keep sketching to tighten and refine the drawing until I am done, or if I want a more finished piece I might “knock down” the rough… READ MORE

Monday Animated MADness- Capt America’s Got Talent!

August 21st, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Here’s a look at some character designs I did for episode 28 of the MAD animated show on Cartoon Network, a segment called “Captain America’s Got Talent”: Sadly the only video of it online is a dubbed and poor resolution Spanish version: READ MORE

Die Deutsche MAD!

August 18th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Number One Son Thomas studied overseas this spring/summer is a little town names Eichstätt In Germany, about 1.5 hours northwest of Munich. The Lovely Anna and I went to visit him (I also taught a workshop in Munich while there). Germany is one of the few countries who still produces their own version of MAD, where they license the magazine and reprint a certain amount of the US material while also doing their own content, covers, etc. One of my missions was to find a copy of a German MAD while there. I failed miserably. Granted I didn’t go looking for comic book shops or… READ MORE

The MAD Show!

August 11th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

One of the many side projects the gang at MAD has been working on lately is a live stage production called… wait for it… “The MAD Show“. As I understand it, the show is a combination improve comedy and musical, co-created by the people behind MAD Magazine and the comedy group Second City. This is not to be confused with the off-Broadway musical “The MAD show” from the 1960’s, which was written by MAD writer’s Stan Hart and Larry Siegel. The show is now in “developmental production”, which I take to mean they are doing a trial run of shows to see how it’s coming… READ MORE

Monday MADness: MAD #547 Sneak Peek #2

August 7th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Here’s a look at the second of my two pieces in the most recent issue of MAD. This is a two page spread called “Statements Redacted from the Comey Memos” and the writer in uncredited, meaning it was written by the MAD staff. What’s that? You want to read all the gags that surround the image? Well, lucky you! It just so happens that this issue goes onsale on news stands TOMORROW! So go on out and buy an issue, putz! READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag- Reining in Exaggeration?

August 6th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Q: Someone told me you hold back on the exaggerations of your caricatures in your MAD Parodies for some reason. Is that true, and if so why? A: That’s sort of true–or at least true to a certain extent. First off, I’m not really much of a “mean guy” caricaturist. I do not exaggerate features to the point of grotesqueness… my goals are seldom to push the exaggeration as far as I can. I am more about exaggerating expression than anything else. Still, without exaggeration of the features all you have is a portrait, so clearly exaggeration in some form is a crucial part of… READ MORE

MAD #547 Sneak Peek #1

August 1st, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Here’s the spot illustration I did for the Fundalini Section of the latest MAD. You’ll just have to go out and buy the fershlugginer magazine if you want to know the context, cheapskate. Since I did this art, Sean Spicer resigned and Anthony Scaramucci was hired and fired. Who knows, by the time this gets posted online Sarah Huckabee Sanders will go missing and Scott Baio will be the new White House Press Secretary… … actually in today’s West Wing Circus, that’s more of a reasonable prediction than an absurdity. Absurdity has been cancelled until further notice. READ MORE


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