MAD Magazine

MAD #547 Sneak Peek #1

August 1st, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Here’s the spot illustration I did for the Fundalini Section of the latest MAD. You’ll just have to go out and buy the fershlugginer magazine if you want to know the context, cheapskate. Since I did this art, Sean Spicer resigned and Anthony Scaramucci was hired and fired. Who knows, by the time this gets posted online Sarah Huckabee Sanders will go missing and Scott Baio will be the new White House Press Secretary… … actually in today’s West Wing Circus, that’s more of a reasonable prediction than an absurdity. Absurdity has been cancelled until further notice. READ MORE

On the Stands: MAD #547!

July 31st, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

In subscribers mailboxes, comic books shops and via digital now, on news stands next Tuesday!!: Cover (Mark Fredrickson) Letters and Tomatoes (Ed.) The Fundalini Trumpalini Pages (Tom Richmond, Charlie Kadau & Jacob Lambert, Bob Staake, Anton Emdin, Jeff Kruse, Ed Steckley, Ward Sutton) The Fundalini Pages (Kenny Keil, John Kerschbaum, Jeff Kruse, Rick Tulka, Paul Coker, Johnny Sampson, Peter Kuper, Ray Alma, J.C. Duffy, Kevin Pope, Scott Maiko, Samuel Ferri) A MAD Look at Wonder Woman (Sergio Aragonés, Colorist: Jim Campbell) Statements Redacted from the Comey Memos (Artist: Tom Richmond) Signs That American Entitlement has Gone Too Far (Teresa Burns Parkhurst) Spy vs. Spy (Peter… READ MORE

Monday MADness: X2!

July 10th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

This week’s Monday MADness is a look at the complete art for MAD’s parody of “X2” written by Desmond Devlin, from MAD #430, June 2003. This parody was done during a period of time where MAD was trying to get their movie spoof on the newsstands at the same time the film came out, meaning we worked from leaked advanced scripts and did everythign prior to the film’s release. In the case of this movie, they reshot the ending after reaction from audience previews, and as a result we got the ending wrong!: READ MORE

Monday MADness- Queer Eye!

July 3rd, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

This week’s Monday MADness is a look at the first collaboration between me and my fellow creator on “Goodnight Batcave” MAD editor Dave Croatto. It’s a parody of the TV show “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” from MAD #443, July 2004. READ MORE

Bill Morrison Announced as New MAD Editor!

June 26th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Oh, ye of little faith. A week or so back I posted about the uncertainty of MAD‘s future since basically none of the current longtime staff of editors and art directors were moving out west with the closing of MAD‘s NYC based offices. My post was mostly about the fact that DC Entertainment has given no one any idea of their plans or who might be taking the helm of the magazine. I got a number of responses on my Facebook page basically sounding the death knell of MAD, to which I replied: “I think it’s a little too early to be writing MAD‘s epitaph.… READ MORE

History of an Idiot

June 20th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

I do a few comic-cons every year, and I never fail to get this question posed to me at some point during the show: Who created Alfred E. Neumen? That’s a question that has no certain answer, but a lot of interesting history. An ad for dentistry, circa 1910 Pictures like the ones above have been cropping up since MAD first adopted the image of the smiling, idiotic boy who would eventually be known as Alfred E. Neuman. The true origins of MAD‘s ‘mascot’, will probably never be known for certain. Images of the grinning, gap toothed boy have been a part of American pictorial… READ MORE

Monday MADness- America’s Most Wanted!

June 19th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Here’s a look at one of my earliest TV parodies for MAD, “America’s Most Wanted” written by Dick DeBartolo from MAD #414, Feb 2002. READ MORE

MAD Moving News

June 13th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

The big news on the MAD move to Burbank is… there is no news. DC Entertainment has given no official (or unofficial for that matter, at least to my knowledge) information on their plans for the magazine once it gets to the west coast. Here’s the little I do know: The New York staff will be doing the magazine through issue 550. This will be the last issue produced in NYC by the current MAD staff, and will be out in Feb 2018 but will be produced before Dec 31, 2017. The offices will close at the end of 2017. I’m told only one of… READ MORE


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