MAD Magazine

Sneak Peek- “This Wall” from MAD #546

June 6th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

In this latest issue of MAD did the art for the Dick DeBartolo penned parody of “The Wall” prime time game show. Here’s a peek at some of the art, including the splash page above. Whaddya mean you want to read the words in the balloons? What do you think this is, a furshlugginer library? Go out and buy a copy, clod! READ MORE

On the Stands: MAD #546!

June 5th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

In subscribers mailboxes, comic books shops and via digital now, on news stands next Tuesday!!: Cover (Mark Fredrickson) Letters and Tomatoes (Ed.) The Fundalini Trumpalini Pages (Bob Staake, Barry Liebmann, Rick Tulka, Anton Emdin, Ward Sutton) The Fundalini Pages (Mike Morse, Stephen Sulver, P.C. Vey, Todd Clark, Emily Flake, Jeff Kruse, Rich Powell, Kenny Keil, Jose Garibaldi, McKinley Rodriguez, Peter Kuper) This Wall (Dick DeBartolo, Tom Richmond) What’s That Smell? (Charlie Kadau, Tom Bunk) Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper) Mare Your Own Anti- Trump Rant (Matt Lassen, Sam Sisco) A MAD Look at Practical Jokes (Sergio Aragonés, Colorist: Tom Luth) Not-Too-Brightbart (Scott Maiko, Mike Loew)… READ MORE

Monday MADness- Tuesday Edition: House of Cons

May 30th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

The new season of “House of Cards” is out on Netflix, so here’s a look back at the complete final art from MAD‘s parody, written by David Shayne and appearing in MAD #532, April 2015. READ MORE

Monday MADness- 50 Worst Things About Sports!

May 22nd, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Originally published in MAD #408, August 2001. Written by Desmond Devlin:   READ MORE

Happy Geeks with a Lisp Day!

May 4th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

“May the Fourth be with you”??? … D’okay. READ MORE

Monday MADness- “Rough One” Roughs!

April 24th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Here’s a look at the rough pencil sketches I sent in for approval on MAD‘s parody of “Rogue One” that is in the current issue… you know… the one on the stands and in comic book shops RIGHT NOW waiting for you to go out and buy it! READ MORE

More of MAD’s “Rogue One” Parody

April 11th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

You’ve already seen a sneak peek of the splash page, but here’s a look at a few panels from MAD‘s parody of “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” written by David Richards with art by me: Whaddya mean you want to read the words in the balloons? What do you think this is, a furshlugginer library? Go out and buy a copy, clod! READ MORE

On the Stands: MAD #545!

April 10th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

In subscribers mailboxes, comic books shops and via digital now, on news stands next Tuesday!!: Cover (Mark Fredrickson) Letters and Tomatoes (Ed.) Remembering Gerry Gersten (John Ficarra, MAD Executive Editor) The Fundalini Pages (Kenny Keil, Ward Sutton, Jonathan Edwards, Bob Eckstein, Bob Staake, John Kerschbaum, Sam Sisco, Aabye-Gayle D. Francis-Favilla, Rich Powell, Christian Alsis, Alejandro Rivas, Jeff Kruse, Steve Silver, Jose Garibaldi, Kevin Pope) World Flags (Writer: Desmond Devlin) Rough One: A Star Bores Snorer (David Richards, Tom Richmond) A MAD Look at YouTube (Sergio Aragonés, Colorist: Tom Luth) No Donald! (Kenny Keil, Sam Viviano and Jim Campbell) The MAD Vault- Duck Edwing D.O.A. (Duck… READ MORE


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