MAD Magazine

Monday MADness- Trading Spaces!

March 6th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

This week’s Monday MADness is a look at my art from MAD‘s parody of the TV show “Trading Spaces”, written by Dick DeBartolo in MAD #435, November 2003. Just for fun I did caricatures of some of our neighbors as the “contestants” throughout. That’s the Gerkins in the yellow shorts and the McNeils in the red shirts. They still haven’t spoken to me since. READ MORE

Monday MADness- Corporate Colleges!

February 20th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Back in issue 491 (July 2008), MAD decided to poke a little fun at the idea of “corporate colleges” like McDonald’s “Hamburger University”, and what other corporations might teach at such a school. Writers John Samony and Scott Maiko came up with this. Pencil roughs followed by final art (notice we changed the “Best Buy College” image in the final):   READ MORE

On the Stands: MAD #544!

February 13th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

In subscribers mailboxes, comic books shops and via digital now, on news stands next Tuesday!!: Cover (Mark Fredrickson) Letters and Tomatoes (Ed.) Remembering Don “Duck” Edwing (John Ficarra, MAD Executive Editor) Remembering Paul Peter Porges (John Ficarra, MAD Executive Editor) The Fundalini Pages (Paul Coker, Kyle Bridgett, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Ward Sutton, Bob Staake, Mike Morse, Sarah Chalek, Stephen Silver, Rick Tulka, Matt Lassen, Tom Bunk, Sara Lautman, Drew Panckeri, Jeff Kruse) Fantastic Dweebs and How to Fleece Them (Desmond Devlin, Anton Emdin) How Donald Trump Stacks Up Against the other 43 U.S. Presidents (Writer: Jeff Kruse) A MAD Look at Drones (Sergio Aragonés, colorist:… READ MORE

Gerry Gersten: 1927-2017

January 27th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

MAD lost yet another long-time contributor with the passing of Gerry Gersten at age 89 on January 12th, after a long battle with Parkinson’s disease. From MAD: We’re sorry to report that 2017 is picking up where 2016 left off, with the passing of yet another MAD contributor. Gerry Gersten, one of MAD’s most talented caricaturists, passed away over the weekend. With his pencil on vellum technique, Gerry produced many full-page impact pieces of art for MAD, including memorable drawings of Ronald Reagan, Dr. Ruth and Elvis Presley. Our condolences go out to Gerry’s family. We will have more on Gerry’s career in MAD #545.… READ MORE

Don “Duck” Edwing, 1934-2016

December 27th, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine

2016 took yet another longtime member of the “Usual Gang of Idiots” with the passing of Don “Duck” Edwing on Dec 26th at the age of 84. If I was required to name the most unsung hero in the history of MAD, it might be Duck. Not only did he have official bylines in over 250 issue of the magazine since 1961, he was also an uncredited writer for many later Don Martin and Spy vs. Spy cartoons and other features, as well as contributing cover ideas and “punching up” other scripts and articles. Behind the scenes Duck’s sense of humor and writing contributions were… READ MORE

Paul Peter Porges 1927-2016

December 23rd, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Image courtesy MAD Magazine MAD lost another longtime member of the Usual Gang of Idiots this past week with the passing of Paul Peter Porges at age 89. Porges led a very interesting life. Born in Vienna in 1927, he fled the Nazis as a child via France before being captured and placed in a deportment camp. He escaped by hiding in a garbage collection and was smuggled into Switzerland, where he studied art and met his future wife, Lucie. After the war he emigrated to the United States along with his parents, who themselves had survived a Nazi concentration camp. While serving in the… READ MORE

On the Stands: MAD #543!

December 5th, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine

MAD #543 (February 2017) Cover (Mark Fredrickson) The Fundalini Pages (Ward Sutton, Emily Flake, Paul Coker, Tom Bunk, Tersea Burns Parkhurts, Jeff Kruse, Bob Eckstein, Bob Staake, John Martz) Silly (Dick DeBartolo, Tom Richmond) Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper) A MAD Look at Commuting (Sergio Aragonès, Colorist: Jim Campbell) The MAD 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2016 The Donald Trump Run for the Presidency (Artist: Hermann Mejia) The Clinton Foundation (Uncredited) Flint Michigan’s Toxic Water (Artist: R. Sikoryak) Fox New’s Roger Ailes (Artist: Sam Viviano) Donald Trump’s Advisors (Artist: Mike Loew) Cliven Bundy’s Son Lay’s Siege to Wildlife Refuge (McKinley Rodriguez, Jacob Chabot))… READ MORE

MAD 542 Sneak Peek!

October 4th, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine

As promised, here’s a sneak peek at “the Last 100 Days of the Obama Presidency” written by Kenny Keil and Jeff Kruse. Below are the full pages first posted by the Washington Post last week, and here are a few of the other spots from the feature… I’ll let you imagine what the captions might say. Better yet, go out and buy the issue to find out! READ MORE


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