October 3rd, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine
In subscribers mailboxes, comic books shops and via digital this week, on news stands next Tuesday!!: Cover (Mark Fredrickson) Letters and Tomatoes (Ed.) Remembering Jack Davis (Contributions from readers) The Fundalini Pages (Rick Tulka, Johnny Sampson, Peter Kuper, Jeff Kruse, Kevin Pope, Will McPhail, Garth Gerhart, Stephen Silver, Anton Emdin, Paul Coker, Justin Peterson, Hermann Mejia, Sam Viviano, ) The Last 100 Days of the Obama Presidency (Kenny Keil and Jeff Kruse, Tom Richmond) The MAD “I Will Make America Great Again” Citizen’s Pledge (Artist: Ward Sutton) Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper) MAD’s Breakdown of Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton Voters (Stan Sinberg, Sam Sisco)… READ MORE
September 20th, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Missed Monday MADness yesterday after my busy workshop weekend. Here’s a Tuesday edition… a look back at the original pencil roughs of MAD‘s parody of the film “Watchmen”, written by Desmond Devlin from MAD #499, April 2009. Here’s the final art. The last panel was rethought from the original roughs: READ MORE
September 12th, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Hmmm, this doesn’t seem quite as funny as it was back in MAD #473, Jan 2007… too prophetic now, maybe? READ MORE
September 9th, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Here’s my annual(ish) plug about MAD Magazine’s website/blog aka “The Idioitical”. While the magazine only comes out every other month, the editors and creators at MAD publish new and very timely content almost daily on their website. Here’s a sampling of some recent stuff. If you are not visiting madmagazine.com regularly, you are missing out on some laughs! READ MORE
August 26th, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine
A couple of weeks ago I met up with MAD art director Sam Viviano and MAD writer Desmond Devlin in Omaha, NE to do a presentation for the KANEKO organization as part of their “Storytelling” series and exhibit. Before we left for Nebraska we three plus MAD‘s Maddest Writer Dick DeBartolo did a short radio interview for Nebraska Public Radio. Here’s a link to the 14 minute segment. READ MORE
August 25th, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Last week I mentioned that the new MAD book I did with author Dave Croatto had the release date moved up to October 25th (formerly November 8th). In that post I mentioned that the cover of the book (and a couple of interior pages) that had previously been released as a preview were not the final artwork… those were “preview” images and ended up being tweaked before going to press. I also mentioned I could not show anyone the actual final cover art until it got formally released by the publisher. Well, Barnes and Noble have the final cover up on their order page for… READ MORE
August 22nd, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine
This week’s Monday MADness is another blast from the past… this time from MAD #400, December 2000. This was my second appearance in the magazine, and my first color piece for them. I was assigned the job of doing fake covers from each decade that MAD was in existence for an article entitled “The Untold History of MAD“. These printed really small in the article, so here they are about actual art size. The 1950’s The 1960’s The 1970’s The 1980’s The 1990’s These next ones were described as a double cover issue printed the morning after Yelsin’s attempted coup of Russia, done is the… READ MORE
August 15th, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Photo by illustrator Buck Jones This past Friday I joined MAD art director Sam Viviano and MAD writer Desmond Devlin, along with MAD‘s Maddest Writer Dick DeBartolo via teleconference, at The Kaneko gallery in Omaha, NE for a panel talk about storytelling…. MAD style. Kanenko is a public non-profit cultural organization, exploring and encouraging the process of creativity, and how it impacts everyday lives. It was established in 1998 by international artist Jun Kaneko and his wife Ree. They organize ongoing programs that explore various areas of creativity, and this summer the are exploring the art of “storytelling”, which includes graphic storytelling in comics, cartooning and… READ MORE