MAD Magazine
February 22nd, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine
As promised, here’s a sneak peek at some of the art for MAD #538’s parody of the last two “Hunger Games” films, written by Desmond Devlin: What do you mean you want to “read the word balloons????” What do you think this is, a furshlugginer library? Go out and buy a copy, clod! READ MORE
February 22nd, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Available tomorrow everywhere magazines are still sold (if you can find any of those places)!!: Cover (Mark Fredrickson) Letters and Tomatoes (Ed.) The Fundalini Pages (Chris Houghton, Bob Eckstein, Caitlin Bitzegaio, Desmond Devlin, Rick Tulka, Tom Hamilton, Matt Lassen, Paul Coker, Jeff Kruse, Phil McAndrew, Tom Cheney, Mike Morse, Evan Dorkin & Sarah Dyer, Samuel Ferri, Josh Mecouch, Shannon Wheeler, Justin Peterson, Kenny Keil, Kevin Pope, P.C. Vey) Donald: GOPNuts- A MAD Political Movie Poster (Uncredited) A MAD Look at Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Sergio Aragonés, colorist: Jim Campbell) William Shakespeare, Pothead? (Desmond Devlin, Rick Geary) Taylor Swift Fun Facts (Mike Morse & Evan… READ MORE
February 15th, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Next week the latest issue of MAD hits the stands, and I did the artwork for the Desmond Devlin penned parody of both “The Hunger Games: The Mockingjay” Parts I and II, combined in one eight page extravaganza. I’ll post some sneak peeks of that once the issue is out. This week’s Monday MADness is a look at my and Des’s take on “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire: from MAD #526 April 2014, pencil comps and final art: READ MORE
February 13th, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine
The owners of Android based smartphones and tablets will have ample opportunity to lower their collective IQs and loosen their stools with digital copies of MAD now available on their devices. Google stock is sure to take a hit on Monday. READ MORE
February 8th, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine
1981 MAD Cover by Sam Viviano! I came across this January interview with longtime MAD artist and current MAD VP of Art and Design (over 16 years as art director) Sam Viviano over at It’s a look at the nuts and bolts (mostly nuts) of the design and production of everyone’s favorite satirical humor magazine, as well as Sam’s history with the magazine… well a very truncated version of it anyway. Here’s an excerpt: In 1980, Viviano received a call from MAD editor Al Feldstein, who was searching for a replacement for longtime cover artist Norman Mingo, who had passed away a few months… READ MORE
December 17th, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine
MAD gave me the go ahead to share this sneak peek of my other piece in issue #537, written by Matt Lassen. Now go out and buy the fershlugginer issue, already! READ MORE
December 15th, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine
This was a very different project. MAD asked me to do the art for spoof of a “user manual”… for a lightsaber. Written by Scott Maiko, it’s a clever take on the goofy seriousness of high tech toy manuals with a lot of Star Wars thrown in (I guess MAD heard about that movie coming out this week). Anyway I had to mimic the art style of these types of manuals, but still add some humor to it. The above illustration is the first page “beauty shot”, which MAD printed in black and white so it matched the manual’s format, but had me do in… READ MORE
December 14th, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine
On news stands everywhere tomorrow, in comic book shops this week, in most subscriber’s mailboxes already and available digitally immediately via the MAD iPad app: MAD #537 (February 2016) Cover (Mark Fredrickson) The Fundalini Pages (Kenny Keil, Anton Emdin, Mike Morse, Scott Bricher, John Martz, Dick DeBartolo, Jeff Kruse, Paul Coker, Desmond Devlin, Rick Tulka, Garth Gerhart, ) The MAD 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2015 Donald Trump- GOP Frontrunner (Artist: Roberto Parada) Josh Duggar (Artist: Tony Moore) Volkswagon Fakes Emission Tests (Desmond Devlin, Jame Warhola) Hillary Clinton’s Email Scandal (Artist: Richard Williams) Dentist Kills Cecil the Lion (Darren Johnson, Bill Morrison) Seahawks… READ MORE