MAD Magazine
October 9th, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Clicky any to embiggen… This parody of “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” was written by Desmond Devlin and published in MAD #424, December 2002. Wieghing in at 9 pages, it is the longest piece I have ever done for the magazine. READ MORE
October 8th, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Clicky any to embiggen… My first movie parody was of the Oscar winning film “Traffic”, written by Arnie Kogen and published in MAD #405, May 2001. If you’ve ever seen the film you’ll understand the color palettes I used… all the scenes that took place in Mexico had a yellow and brown cast to them, the ones shot in DC were blue, and those from San Diego were normal color. READ MORE
October 7th, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Clicky any to embiggen… This was the first parody of any kind I did for MAD, a spoof of the TV show “Malcolm in the Middle”, written by Desmond Devlin and published in MAD #403, March 2001. READ MORE
October 6th, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine
“Clicky to embiggen… I’m getting ready to head out to NYC tomorrow to do the New York Comic Con this weekend, so in deference to my having no time to do anything original on the blog the next few days will be posts looking back on some milestones of my 15 years with MAD. I’ve posted this a few times in the Sunday Mailbag, but the above was the very first piece I ever had published in MAD Magazine… issue #399, Nov 2000. “Gadgets to Really Make Home Theater Like Going to the Movies!” written by Dick DeBartolo! Sorry I don’t have an image with… READ MORE
September 29th, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine
I must be clairvoyant. Yesterday I posted a small, cropped image as a “sneak peek” from what will be my piece in the next issue of MAD. Hours later News-a-Rama posts the entire article! So, here’s a real sneak peek at MAD #536– “Home Renovations: HGTV vs. Real Life” written by Teresa Burns Parkhurst with art by moi (clicky any to embiggen). READ MORE
September 21st, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine
The TV series “Heroes” is getting a reboot this fall. I did the art on the parody of the original series back in MAD #487, March 2008, written by Desmond Devlin. For some reason (can’t remember why) I scanned the final pencils of the three individual pages before inking and coloring them. Here is the final splash page art and the final pencils and art for pages 3, 4 and 5 (clicky any to embiggen): READ MORE
September 7th, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine
DC Comics announced its 2015 New York Comic Con panel lineup recently… including one on MAD Magazine: “Mad About MAD” – The country’s #1-selling humor magazine (in a field of 1), MAD Magazine is dumber than ever! Join Editor John Ficarra, Art Director Sam Viviano, Peter Kuper, Tom Richmond and Jonathan Bresman for a ridiculous peek at what’s happening at the magazine, and an epically, moronic Q&A. Sunday Oct 11th, 2:30pm, Room 1A21 If you are attending NYCC, stop by and find out what kind of stupidity you can expect from the Usual Gang of Idiots in the next few months! READ MORE
August 21st, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine
This from the MAD Magazine website… another example of MAD being MAD! Get your daily dose of dopery on MAD’s offical blog, The Idiotical! READ MORE