MAD Magazine

Weakened by Bernie!

August 21st, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine

This from the MAD Magazine website… another example of MAD being MAD! Get your daily dose of dopery on MAD’s offical blog, The Idiotical! READ MORE

Scavengers: Age of Moron Sneak Peek!

August 11th, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine

As promised, here’s a look at some of the art from MAD‘s parody of “The Avengers: Age of Ultron”, written by Desmond Devlin. Clicky any to embiggen… Whaddya mean you want to read Des’s jokes in the word boxes??? What does this look like… a furshlugginer library?!? Go out and buy a copy of MAD #535, clod! READ MORE

On The Stands: MAD #535!

August 10th, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine

In comic book shops, on the iPad and in subscribers mailboxes now, on news stands everywhere tomorrow: Cover (Mark Fredrickson) Letters and Tomatoes (Ed.) The Fundalini Pages (Evan Waite, Bob Staake, Jeff Kruse, Anton Emdin, Jason Yungbluth, Alison Grambs, C.F. Payne, Tim Latterner, Adam Koford, Kenny Keil, John Martz, P.C. Vey, Kevin Pope, Samuel Ferri, Chris Houghton) Donald Trump: Blowhard with a Vengeance (Writer: Desmond Devlin) The Scavengers: Age of Moron (Desmond Devlin, Tom Richmond) Are You a Foodie… or Not? (Kenny Keil, Paul Coker) Sympathy Cards We Wish We Could Buy (Writer: Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Artists: Leonardo Rodriguez, Rick Tulka, Emily Flake) Ben Carson:… READ MORE

Ray Drearyman Sneak Peek

June 19th, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Here’s a sneak peek at the art from MAD‘s parody of “Ray Donovan” in MAD #534, written by Arnie Kogen… on sale now!! (clicky any to embiggen): Whaddya mean you want to read the dialogue in the word boxes? What does this look like… a furshlugginer library?!? Go out and buy a copy of MAD #534, clod! READ MORE

On The Stands: MAD #534!

June 15th, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine

In comic book shops, on the iPad and in subscribers mailboxes now, on news stands everywhere tomorrow: Cover (Mark Fredrickson) Letters and Tomatoes (Ed.) The Fundalini Pages (Matt Lassen, Ward Sutton, Tim Hamilton, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Kenny Keil, Jose Garibaldi, Emily Flake, Jeff Kruse, Rick Tulka, Samuel Ferri, Scott Maiko, John Kerschbaum, Justin Peterson, Tom Cheney, Garth Gerhart) Chris Christie’s World (J.C. Duffy, Richard Williams) Ray Drearyman (Arnie Kogen, Tom Richmond) Amazing #lifehacks That Will Totally Change Your #life! (Kenny Keil, Kevin Pope) Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper) Planning for your Summer Music Festival (Kenny Keil, John Martz) When Minions really Go Bad (John Caldwell)… READ MORE

Ich bin ein MAD Leser? Not in Australia…

June 4th, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Number One Son Tom recently returned from a three week college choir tour of Germany, Austria, and the Czech Republic, and he brought me home this issue of the German MAD magazine! MAD still has a few foreign language editions out there (though not as many as they used to have), and the German MAD is one of them. The way these work is the foreign edition licenses the MAD name and format, and gets a certain amount of content from the U.S. version of the magazine. They translate that into their language and then fill the rest of the issue with MAD-flavored work but… READ MORE

What, Me Wanna Banana?

June 2nd, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Sneak peek of what I assume is a Mark Fredrickson cover for the next issue of MAD, due out later this month. I did the art on the parody of the Showtime series “Ray Donovan”. More when allowed… READ MORE

Sketch(es) O’the Week- The Slobbit!

May 27th, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Click any to embiggen… So I am being lazy today while I (and my liver) are still recovering from the National Cartoonist’s Society Reuben Awards this past weekend in Washington DC (I’ll do a wrap up of that tomorrow).  So, for the sketch of the week this week I’l posting the pencil roughs of MAD’s parody of “The Slobbit: Still Banal After Five Movies”. These actually ARE pencil sketches as opposed to digital roughs, as I did them very low-tech while on vacation in Florida. READ MORE


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