May 26th, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Clicky to embiggen… As promised, here’s a look at some of the art I did for MAD‘s parody of “The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies”, written by Desmond Devlin. That’s the splash page above. And here is the most insane two page spread I ever did for MAD: That took about 4 days to do. Remind me to ask for a raise. I would end this with my standard “What are you waiting for, clod… go out and buy a furshlugginer copy already!” but unless you are a Loot Crate subscriber you are SOL. This parody might end up in a special issue someday,… READ MORE
May 25th, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Loot Crate is a grab bag (okay… grab BOX) program where you receive a box full of stuff every month for a subscription fee. It’s geared towards geeks and gamers, and each month the box has a “theme”. May 2015’s theme is “Unite”, and included in the box is a special edition of MAD exclusive to Loot Crate. I have yet to see an actual copy of this issue, so I am unsure how much of the content is reprint material and how much is original. As you can see the cover is an exclusive done by Mark Fredrickson, and I know it contains an… READ MORE
April 26th, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Q: Were you surprised that Mad Magazine picked “American Sniper” their next Movie Parody? A: Actually that was a nice surprise. As I have written here recently, for many reasons MAD has been sort of forced to stick to big blockbusters for their film parodies the last decade or so. “American Sniper” is a great departure from that. MAD‘s approach to the parody was also very clever. To do a straight parody of something as politically charged and controversial as “American Sniper” would have been hard to do without coming off as either left or right wing centric, and other than the silly “fake baby”… READ MORE
April 21st, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Here’s a look at a some of the art I did on David Shayne‘s parody of “American Sniper” (clicky some to embiggen): Whaddya mean you want to read the jokes?? What do you think this is, a furshlugginer library? Go buy MAD #533, you putz! READ MORE
April 20th, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine
In comic book shops, on the iPad and in subscribers mailboxes now, on news stands everywhere tomorrow: Cover (Mark Fredrickson) “Weird AL” Welcome (Al Yankovic, Hermann Mejia) Letters and Tomatoes (Answered by Al Yankovic) The Fundalini Pages (Kenny Keil, Chris Houghton, John Kerschbaum, Joe Dator, Ward Sutton, Desmond Devlin, Kevin Pope, Dick DeBartolo, Teresa Burns Parkhurst) The Weird Al-ini Pages (Anton Emdin, Patton Oswald, Scott Bricher, Seth Green, Bob Staake, Chris Hardwicke, Kristen Schaal & Rich Blomquist, James Warhola, Emo Philips, Rick Tulka, Thomas Lennon, John Hodgman) Pages From Weird Al’s Notebook (Al Yankovic, Sam Sisco, Sam Viviano (uncredited)) Things You Never want to Learn… READ MORE
April 7th, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Here’s a great HuffPo interview with MAD VP and head editor John Ficarra and issue #533’s guest editor “Weird Al” Yankovic. This issue really sounds like a lot of fun. I can say that Weird Al has a cameo in the piece I did for the issue, and I am sure he’ll be popping up in many of the other features as well. He’s assembled an all-star lineup of contributors to the issue. read the article for all the details. The art above is a commission I did for a mutual friend a few years ago who gave it to Al on his 50th birthday.… READ MORE
April 3rd, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Tom Koch, a veteran writer for MAD and yet another of the “old guard” I never got a chance to meet, passed away back on March 22nd. I’d have posted about this earlier but I didn’t seen any decent obits about him until today. Tom was a comedy writer for television and performers, and worked in the 50’s with the well-known comedy team Bob & Ray. His first few assignments for MAD were for the short-lived “Bob & Ray” feature in the magazine, featuring some of the earliest MAD artwork from a young, up-and-coming artist named Mort Drucker, back in 1957. He continued to write… READ MORE
March 21st, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine
MAD cover art by Mark Fredrickson From the MAD Magazine Website: At 6 PM on April 20th, the guest editor of MAD #533, “Weird Al” Yankovic and MAD Editor John Ficarra will be at the Barnes & Noble¬¨‚Ćat 33 E 17th St in NYC to sign autographs and meet fans! Mark your calendars! Enter the coordinates into your GPS! Moisturize and manicure your hand-shaking hand! It will be fun to see this issue. Weird Al got worked into the piece I did for #533, and I am sure other features will have him involved in some way. This “guest editor” thing is a great idea.… READ MORE