MAD Magazine

Monday MADness- On the Stands: MAD #526

February 24th, 2014 | Posted in MAD Magazine

In comic book shops, on the iPad and in subscribers mailboxes now, on news stands everywhere tomorrow: MAD # 526 (April 2014) Cover (Mark Fredrickson) The Fundalini Pages (Anton Emdin, Barry Liebmann, Stan Sinberg, P.C. Vey, Kenny Keil, Justin Peterson, Will Presti, Jeff Kruse, Jack Pittman, Jay Rath, Chris Houghton, Rick Tulka, Todd Clark, Garth Gerhart, John Martz, Ward Sutton, Tom Cheney, John Kerschbaum, Jonathan Edwards) The Hunder Pains: Getting Tired (A MAD Movie Satire) (Desmond Devlin, Tom Richmond) The MAD Vault- (From MAD #297, Sept 1990: Jack Davis, Mike Snider) Spy vs. Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper) Why the Lego Man was Made for… READ MORE

Some MAD #526 Sneak Peeks

February 21st, 2014 | Posted in MAD Magazine

A few sneak peeks at MAD #526 are popping up around the interwebbies: From Sergio! Via Jaffee’s Fold In? I ruined my computer monitor trying to fold it… courtesy of The issue comes out next week, but is already in comic book shops and subscriber’s mailboxes. READ MORE

50 Years of Al Jaffee Fold-Ins!

February 14th, 2014 | Posted in MAD Magazine

I know it looks like that should be an embedded video but sadly that’s not possible, so clicking on it will bring you to a Yahoo News story (with a short video!) about how Al Jaffee‘s “MAD Fold-In” turns 50 next month. The story starts out: It just might be one of the longest freelance gigs in magazine publishing history. Cartoonist Al Jaffee has contributed to MAD Magazine, the satirical mainstay, since its beginnings, and is marking the 50th anniversary of not only creating but illustrating its most iconic feature. I’m not sure it’s fair to call the fold-in MAD‘s “most iconic feature”…many might say… READ MORE

Sneak Peek at MAD #526

February 13th, 2014 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Clicky to visit the sneak peek… Crave Online has an exclusive sneak peek at one of the features in the upcoming issue of MAD: The new American Girls doll collection (girls as in HBO’s Girls). Click the image or link above for more of the fun. MAD #526 hits news stands on February 25th. READ MORE

There’s a Zucker Born Every Minute Dept.

February 7th, 2014 | Posted in MAD Magazine

¬¨‚ĆClicky to visit the MAD website If you don’t regularly visit the MAD Magazine website you are missing out on some timely and funny stuff. Since they relaunched it a couple of years ago (originally called “The Idioitcal”, a title I loved but which they seem to have dropped) they have been terrific at posting daily pieces that give the MAD treatment to in-the-moment subjects, something the production time of a print magazine makes impossible. The one above is a perfect example. Just hours after the “Facebook Video” thing started happening the guys at MAD jumped on it with this, posted yesterday. New Jersey Governor… READ MORE

Look Ma, No Paper!

December 20th, 2013 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Clicky to embiggen… The answer to yesterday’s question as to what I did differently than usual in my art for the parody of “The Following” in MAD #525 is that I did the entire thing digitally. No pencils, no pens, no ink, no paper. Start to finish on the computer. It was an interesting experiment, but I will never do it again. I’d been thinking of giving this a try for a while now, just to see how it turned out and to see if it was a time saver of any kind. In this particular case I was a bit behind on getting the… READ MORE

MAD Senior Moments

December 19th, 2013 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Clicky to Embiggen… I got this email the other day from MAD aficionado Ed Meisinger: I’m curious – no signature on the splash page (for “The Swallowing” in MAD #525). 1)¬¨‚ĆIntentional? I’m assuming it is since you’ve got the “Richmond Area Directory” included. 2)¬¨‚ĆIs this a first? (a splash page without your usual stylish signature) Nope. Not intentional… I just forgot. I forget to do that a lot. I get wrapped up in the job, and just plain forget. Sadly, no. Thanks to some OCD issues I had to go back and look at how many I have actually missed signing. I only counted those… READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week: Abysmal House!

December 18th, 2013 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Clicky any to embiggen… Better late than never today… had another job due this afternoon that had to get done first. So, this week’s SotW is one of the two pieces I did for the latest issue of MAD. Originally I was supposed to do only the art for the parody of “The Swallowing” for MAD #525 (now on news stands… Fa Fa Fa!), but then the editors decided they also wanted me to do the art for the #1 “Dumbest Thing” in MAD’s “20 Dumbest People, Events, and Things of 2013”. I can’t imagine where they got the idea for me to do this… READ MORE


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