MAD Magazine

Sneak Peek: MAD #523 Cover!

August 8th, 2013 | Posted in MAD Magazine

POLITICO has a small (and I mean TINY) sneak peek of the Mark Fredrickson cover art for MAD #523, coming out in just a few weeks. This cover is interesting to me for a number of reasons: This is the first cover of MAD (not counting specials, etc) where the Spies are the main focus of the gag. The Spies have been on a few covers as parts of montage images, borders, etc. It’s one of the very few without Alfred as part of the main gag (they snuck him into the “O” on the lower headline) I got to see part of the cover… READ MORE

You Don’t Know Jack

August 6th, 2013 | Posted in General

Last week I was lucky enough to be invited to speak at a special event honoring a very special man. “From the Beginning: Jack Davis” was an exhibit of the work of the great cartoonist, caricaturist, and humorous illustrator at a terrific little gallery called the Glynn Art Association in Jack’s adopted hometown of St. Simons Island on coastal Georgia. Jack is easily one of the most beloved and honored cartoonists of the last century, but this exhibit was extra-special because it was organized and hosted by a local gallery… and it really opened the eyes of his neighbors as to who Jack really is.… READ MORE

Jumpin’ Jack

August 2nd, 2013 | Posted in General

I was planning on a quick post about Jack and his exhibit opening this week but I decided to do a much longer post, and it will have to wait until Tuesday. check back then! Meanwhile I’m on the road back home today. READ MORE

MAD Men (and Ladies)

July 30th, 2013 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Clicky to Embiggen… Photo courtesy of Tom Bunk Last week I was in New York City to film some interview footage for the upcoming documentary ‘When We Went MAD“, and hung about the MAD offices all day while many of the Usual Gang of Idiots did their segments. Somebody got smart and took a picture, but sadly after painter extraordinaire Richard Williams had left, and before Spy vs. Spy artist Peter Kuper rolled in… Here’s the key: Dick DeBartolo– Longtime MAD writer Desmond Devlin– Also longtime MAD writer but not as longtime as Dick Charlie Kadau– Senior Editor Tom Bunk– Wacky MAD artist Irving Schild–… READ MORE

Monday MADness- New “Inside MAD” Book!

July 22nd, 2013 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Officially announced at the MAD Comic-Con panel on Saturday: Apparently TIME Home Entertainment was so happy with last year’s “Totally MAD” 60th anniversary book that they fell for another book pitch by those masters of schmoozing, the MAD editors! Now available for pre-order is “Inside MAD“, 256 pages of complete stupidity . . . and a few nifty surprises. The concept for this book is quite a bit different that your average MAD book…they asked the Usual Gang of Idiots what their all-time favorite MAD article was, and then made us explain why in a semi-coherent paragraph or two. You’ll discover the favorite MAD pieces… READ MORE

On the Stands: MAD #522

July 18th, 2013 | Posted in MAD Magazine

In comic book shops, on the iPad and in subscribers mailboxes now, on news stands everywhere on July 23rd: MAD # 522 (Sept 2013) Cover (Sergio Aragon?¬©s, Colors: Tom Luth, Concept: Michael Gallagher) The Fundalini Pages (Matt Lassen, Sam Sisco, Rick Geary, John Caldwell, Jeff Kruse, Bob Eckstein, Maria Scrivan, Evan Waite, Charles Akins, Kenny Keil, Evan Dorkin & Sarah Dyer, Tom Hart, Neil Berliner, Rick Tulka, Al Jaffee % Carl Peterson, Adam Koford) Proaaaaacktiv (Alison Grambs, Scott Bricher) The Slobbit (Desmond Devlin, Tom Richmond) The Debt (Frank Jacobs, Ward Sutton) MAD’s Office Greeting Card Etiquette (Ryan Pagelow) A MAD Look at The Internet (Sergio… READ MORE

MAD #522- Sergio Cover!

July 12th, 2013 | Posted in MAD Magazine has an exclusive first look at the cover of MAD #522, featuring the art of the incomparable Sergio Aragon?¬©s! That link also contains a sneak peek at some interior features of #522 including Al Jaffee‘s Fold-In and an interview with MAD editor John Ficarra. That interview reveals that the issue contains a parody of “The Hobbit” entitled “The Slobbit”. It does not tell you that the art for said parody was by yours truly… probably because John is embarrassed to admit they still give me work. Sergio has done two other MAD covers, way back in 1979 for #210 and in 1990 for #293.… READ MORE

E.C. Gems

July 11th, 2013 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Clicky to Embiggen Found this and several other images of “thanks for your letter” response cards from the folks at E.C. Comics (that’s Bill Gaines‘ line of horror/war/etc. comics including “Tales from the Crypt”, “Vault of Horror”, “Weird Science and eventually “MAD”) on cartoonist Jeff Overturf’s site via Doug Gilford’s MAd Cover Site Facebook page. This one was drawn by Will Elder, but follow that link to see ones by John Severin and Wally Wood. Very cool, I didn’t even know these existed. READ MORE


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