MAD Variant DC Cover: Mark Fredrickson!
Another exclusive peek at on of the 13 upcoming variant DC Comics covers by the Usual Gang of Idiots. This one is by MAD cover artist Mark Fredrickson, courtesy of! READ MORE
Another exclusive peek at on of the 13 upcoming variant DC Comics covers by the Usual Gang of Idiots. This one is by MAD cover artist Mark Fredrickson, courtesy of! READ MORE has the exclusive first look at yet another of the MAD variant covers for several DC titles coming to a comic book shop near you in April. This one is by longtime MAD artist Rick Tulka! READ MORE
The folks over at The Huffington Post have an exclusive sneak peek at another of DC’s MAD variant covers, this time the great Al Jaffee does a Fold-In cover for BATMAN. The folks at the HuffPo also have a hard time spelling “magazine”… must be longtime MAD readers. Please be careful folding this cover, your computer screen is not very flexible. READ MORE
Oops, nevermind my last post about Herman’s cover being the only one available in sneak peek form. Here’s John Caldwell‘s cover of Green Arrow, courtesy of¬¨‚Ć READ MORE
MAD has been pretty good at leaking exclusive sneak peeks of what they are up to out to various internet sites and entertainment news sources. Today Entertainment featured what I think is the first released image of one of the upcoming MAD variant covers of several of DC’s main titles…this one is the cover of Justice League of America by the amazing Hermann Mejia! READ MORE
Clicky to Embiggen… My piece in MAD #520 was a departure from my typical work for the magazine, which when it happens is always interesting and challenging. This project was particularly fun and personally enjoyable because I am good friends with Jeff Keane, son of The Family Circus creator Bil Keane. Jeff has been doing the strip since his dad’s retirement about a decade ago and continues to do it today. Bil passed away in November of 2011. I knew Jeff would enjoy this, and it was great fun doing it. I saw him this past weekend at the Success in Comics Seminar in Annapolis,… READ MORE
On news stands everywhere tomorrow, in comic book shops and subscriber’s mailboxes already and available digitally immediately via the MAD iPad app. MAD # 520 (April 2013) Cover (Chris Houghton) The Fundalini Pages (Jeff Kruse, Charles Akins, Jason Yungbluth, Rick Tulka, Desmond Devlin, Matt Lassen, Paul Coker, Ty Templeton, Evan Dorkin & Sarah Dyer, P.C. Vey, Kevin Pope, Tim Haggerty, Leonardo Rodriguez, Phil McAndrew) The 50 Worst Things About Cartoons (Writers: Desmond Devlin, Jeff Kruse and Scott Maiko; Artists: Peter Bagge, Anton Emdin, Adam Koford and Hermann Mejia) Honey Boo Boo’s Family Circus (Frank Santopadre, Tom Richmond) Planet TAD!!!!! (Tim Carvell) Spy vs Spy (Peter… READ MORE
Holy Veeblefetzer, Batboy! This gigantic 22″x 15″ coffee table book,¬¨‚ĆTales Calculated to Drive You MAD: Artist’s Edition is an absolute level 11- I GOTTA HAVE IT on a scale of 1-10 on the “Stuff Tom Wants” meter. I had no idea this was on the horizon, or I would have pre-ordered it long ago. The book features “nearly 20 incredible stories and a dozen classic covers” with at least one thing representing every issue of MAD from #1 to #18.¬¨‚Ć That sort of thing has been done many times, but this edition is unique because the art within is scanned from the actual original art… READ MORE
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