Breast of Show Dept.
From The Idiotical…The Offical Blog of MAD Magazine: READ MORE
From The Idiotical…The Offical Blog of MAD Magazine: READ MORE
In honor of Edvard Munch‘s painting “The Scream” setting an auction sales record of $119 million, MAD posted some of the many parodies of the famous painting that they have done (including the one above) over the years on their official blog, The Idiotical. Check out the others here. Here’s a parody I did of that painting for the Ray Grigg‘s film I Want Your Money. It appeared hanging on the wall in the Oval Office in one of the animated segments: Not really much effort on my part, I simply replaced the face of the screaming man with that of our current Commander in… READ MORE
The show “What, Me Worry? 60 Years of MAD” opened this past weekend at the Cartoon Art Museum in San Fransisco, CA. Here’s one of many pictures you’ll find on the CAM Facebook page: Clicky to Embiggen… Shown above: MAD #1 cover reproduction, hand-colored by Marie Severin; Hex! splash page by Jack Davis from MAD #2; Melvin! splash page by John Severin, from MAD #2; cover to MAD #3 by Harvey Kurtzman; splash from Dragged Net! by Will Elder from MAD #3; cover to MAD #4 by Harvey Kurtzman; splash page from Shadow! by Will Elder, from MAD #4; house ad by Wally Wood from… READ MORE
I’m currently in Massachusetts where my theme park art concessions just opened at Six Flags New England, and I’m even working the chair! These guys are clearly thrilled to be getting thier drawing done… Another satisfied customer(s)! READ MORE
Final splash page, sans words… Since scooped me on the sneak peek of the MAD parody of The Hunger Games, this post will be more of a “behind the scenes” of the job. As always, clicky image to embiggen. The writer of the parody was Desmond Devlin. First pencil rough . . . Grade: F- Above is the first pencil rough of the splash. This was a complex splash, because all the word boxes were being spoken by one person (Stanley Tucci’s host character “Cesear Flickerman”), there were a LOT of word boxes, necessitating three rows, and most of them described a character that… READ MORE
On news stands (and presumably the iPad) April 24th, in comic book shops this week and in subscriber mailboxes today: MAD # 515 (June 2012) Cover (Mark Fredrickson) The Fundalini Pages (Rick Tulka, Jeff Kruse, Marc Hempel, Duck Edwing, Andrew Schwartzberg, Jacob Lambert, Sam Sisco, Dick DeBartolo, Kevin Pope, Anton Emdin, ) Fake iPhone Ads (Uncredited, appear throughout issue) The Hunger Pains (Desmond Devlin, Tom Richmond) Everyday Annoyances of Elderly Monsters (John Caldwell) Hazard Fraught Tools (Scott Maiko, Scott Bricher) Least Revered Classical Music (Jeff Kruse) The MAD Vault- MAD #477, 2007 (Sergio Aragon?¬©s, Colors: Tom Luth) Planet TAD!!!!! (Writer: Tim Carvell) The Strip Club… READ MORE
Entertainment just posted an exclusive first look at MAD #515’s parody of The Hunger Games movie, with art by me and written by Desmond Devlin. Go check out the sneak peek, which includes two more pages of the parody! The issue will be on newsstands (and in the new iMad app) on April 24th. READ MORE
As promised, on Sunday DC Entertainment and MAD Magazine released the MAD iPad app (which I am unofficially calling iMad, so no lawsuits, Apple!) Here’s a hands-on tour of the new app: Getting Started First off, while it is an “app”, it downloads into the Apple “Newsstand” area, not directly on to the iPad pages, which makes sense. On the Newsstand! Looks lonely… I may have to subscribe to other magazines. Do they still make Tigerbeat? Once you open the app, you are asked if you want push notifications when a new issue is available (I said yes), and then you are taken to a… READ MORE
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