MAD Magazine

Oscar MADness on The Idiotical

January 30th, 2012 | Posted in MAD Magazine

I don’t post often enough about the good stuff being done on MAD’s official blog The Idiotical. The other day they posted their predictions for the 2012 Oscars: Click to visit The Idiotical There are daily updates with combinations of stuff from the magazine (both classic and current), plus a lot of original content. If you don’t regularly visit, you are missing out on some daily chuckles. READ MORE

MAD Legends Revealed!

January 2nd, 2012 | Posted in General

Comic Book Resources recently published an all-MAD edition of their enjoyable “Comic Book Legends Revealed” feature. In it, they tackle three legends (or myths if you prefer) about MAD: Alfred E. Neuman existed well before Mad Magazine ever came about. Mad Magazine used to sell actual straight jackets! Every Mad cover has an easter egg of the letters “ind” to form “Mad Mind”. Check it out here! They even linked back to one of my posts here on The MAD Blog concerning legend number one (Thanks, CBR!), but they also debunk my explanation of the “ind” legend… you decide which explanation is true. READ MORE

MADe in China

December 23rd, 2011 | Posted in MAD Magazine

This was posted in the Wisenhiemer Cartoonist’s Forum yesterday: I couldn’t find a link to the Heritage auction these reportedly came from, but this was posted with the images: Mad Chinese Edition (EC, 1990) Condition: VF-. Published for 6 issues in 1990. Some regard the Chinese (or Taiwan) Mad as the most valuable and hard to find. An issue of the Chinese Mad recently sold on eBay for $1400+. Includes certificate signed by Mad writer Dick DeBartolo. Not currently listed in Overstreet. From the Dick DeBartolo Collection. Most foreign editions of MAD have a certain amount of content from the US version in it. It… READ MORE

On the Stands: MAD #513

December 12th, 2011 | Posted in MAD Magazine

On news stands next week and in comic book shops today: MAD # 513 (February 2012) Cover (Mark Fredrickson) The Fundalini Pages (Bob Staake, Glen LeLievre, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Kevin Pope, Jeff Kruse, Scott Bricher, P.C. Vey, Tom Bunk, Kit Lively, Tim Hamilton, Jacob Lambert, Charles Akins, Jason Salas, John Caldwell, ) The MAD 20- The Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2010 The Walking Debt (Artist: Hermann Mejia) Tired Air Traffic Controllers: Stay the F**k Awake (Darren Johnson, James Warhola) The Blind Eye (Artist: Scott Bricher) The Anthony Weiner “No Limits” Sexting Plan (Writer: Desmond Devlin) Wedding Cashers (Matt Lassen, Mark Stutzman) The Sheen… READ MORE

“Sheen Lantern” for MAD #513- Sneak Peek

December 8th, 2011 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Clicky to Embiggen Usually MAD wants me to wait until the latest issue is on the stands before sharing any of the work I did in it here on The MAD Blog. Well, I guess the cat’s out of the bag on this one, so I might as well share it here. MAD has provided Comic Book Resources with an exclusive first look at the piece I illustrated for this year’s “MAD‘s 20 Dumbest People, Events & Things” feature in #513. Written by Kit Lively and Scott Nickel. Image courtesy of CBR and MAD Magazine. Here’s the pencil rough and the finished art sans the… READ MORE

MAD #513 Sneak Peek

December 6th, 2011 | Posted in MAD Magazine

The Huffington Post has an exclusive sneak peek at a few of the “MAD’s 20 Dumbest People, Events, and Things of 2011″, including the cover above and this little gem from artist Hermann Mejia: Clicky to Embiggen I have a piece in the MAD 20 as well, and once the issue is out I’ll post it here. In the meantime, check out that sneak peek at the Huffington Post. READ MORE

Cartoon Network MAD Art

November 29th, 2011 | Posted in Freelancing

As promised, here are some of the character art I did for last night’s episode of MAD on the Cartoon Network for the segment “Superhero Millionaire Matchmaker”: Christian Bale Rachel from “Millionaire Matchmaker” Patti from “Millionaire Matchmaker” Robert Downey Jr. Destin from “Millionaire Matchmaker” READ MORE

View to a Schill Dept.

November 22nd, 2011 | Posted in MAD Magazine

If you are a fan of MAD‘s Spy vs. Spy, or know someone who is, put Spy vs. Spy: Omnibus on your Christmas list. 10 years ago, MAD put out Spy vs. Spy: The Complete Casebook, which features all 247 Spy vs. Spy’s Antonio Prohias did for MAD, plus all the other articles he wrote/drew for the magazine as well as essays, interviews, preliminaries and sketches, his early Pre-MAD work and a bunch more fun stuff. It’s a great book, but one aspect of it was disappointing… many of the Spy vs Spy strips were printed much smaller than the originally appeared (about 25%…as in… READ MORE


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