MAD Magazine

uGlee for the MAD Show

September 28th, 2010 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Last night episode four of the new MAD animated show on the Cartoon Network aired another of the segments I worked on… a parody of the TV show “Glee”. This was easily the most work I’ve done so far for a single segment. I think there were 14 main characters to draw plus a number of cameos, extra faces and expressions. To try and save time I did them in tight pencil form and then colored them as opposed to doing any polished linework… the result was a lot rougher than I had hoped. However I thought the animation folks at the WB studios did… READ MORE

Al Jaffee Goes MAD

September 23rd, 2010 | Posted in MAD Magazine

[youtube][/youtube] Here’s a short promo for the new book “Al Jaffee’s MAD Life” where Al recounts the story behind his famous “Fold In” feature for MAD and reminisces about the MAD old days. READ MORE

MAD Show Online

September 20th, 2010 | Posted in MAD Magazine

The Cartoon Network posted the first episode of the animated MAD show on their website recently. You can see it here. That one does have some of my work in it (the CSiCarly skit). Tonight’s episode looks like it won’t have any of my stuff in it again. Usually the program description will contain the name of the segment I worked on, and tonight’s episode lists “2012 Dalmatians, Grey’s in Anime” as the featured skits, and I didn’t work on either of those. However next week’s episode lists “Star Blecch, uGlee” as being included, and the Glee segment I did a lot of work on. READ MORE

CSiCarly for the MAD show

September 7th, 2010 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Last night’s debut of the new animated MAD show on the Cartoon Network was certainly fun. Working on the show has been a real experience so far, and I am looking forward to continuing to work on future episodes… although as I understand it my role has been reduced to doing work for about every other episode. I have spent a lot of time during the first 5 I have worked on trying to figure out how to adjust my work to better fit in with what the animators need in order to produce the segments based on my art. The main challenge has been… READ MORE

MAD Show Premiere Tonight

September 6th, 2010 | Posted in MAD Magazine

The new animated MAD show I’ve been working on debuts on the Cartoon Network tonight at 7:30 Central time. Check it out if you can… if you can’t here is the rerun schedule for the week: September 06- 7:30 pm Central September 08- 3:45 pm Central September 08- 8:15 pm Central September 09- 8:45 pm Central If you want a sneak peek, Comics Alliance has posted a new promo video that has a few seconds of my work in it… it’s at about the 23 second mark. Here is a long article interviewing producer and story editor Kevin Shinick and producer/animation director Mark Marek…. I’m… READ MORE

Weird Night at the Fair

September 2nd, 2010 | Posted in Freelancing

Me and “Weird” Al Yankovic Some time back the lovely and extremely talented Sandra Boynton commissioned me into doing a caricature of “Weird” Al Yankovic for his 50th birthday. I was deleighted to do it because 1. Sandra is one of my favorite cartoonists and a wonderful person, and I was flattered to be asked. and 2. “Weird” Al is to music what MAD Magazine is to comics, and I’m a longtime admirer of his. Here’s the complete story if you want more details. Shortly after Al received the artwork I received an email from him saying how much he loved it and how he… READ MORE

MAD Cartoon Network Show Promo

August 18th, 2010 | Posted in MAD Magazine

This short promo just surfaced for the new MAD show on the Cartoon Network this fall: [youtube][/youtube] Here’s another shorter one: [youtube][/youtube] Neither feature any of my work. As you can see the style of animation runs the gamut from traditional cartoons to collage and highly stylized stuff. Many of the “skits” will be only a few seconds long with a single, quick gag. Segments like the TV show parodies I’ve worked on, the movie parodies and some ad parodies are a minute or two long and not part of these short promos. The show debuts on Mon. Sept 6th at 8:30 pm. READ MORE

The Key to Punditland

August 9th, 2010 | Posted in MAD Magazine

I’ve gotten so many e-mails from people asking for help identifying the one or two pundits they can’t figure out in the above panel that I thought I’d just put together a “key” to all of them… so here ya go: Click for a closer look… Lawrence O’Donnell Monica Crowley Bernie Goldberg Jonathan Alter Joe Scarborough Ann Coulter Rudy Juliani Frank Luntz Fred Barnes Frank Rich Rich Lowry Steve McMahon Fareed Zakaria Joan Walsh Thomas Friedman Dana Perino Margaret Carlson Howard Dean Maureen Dowd Eugene Robinson Richard Wolffe Oliver North Newt Gingrich James Carville Pat Buchanan Sanjay Gupta Robert Reich Karl Rove Donna Brazile Paul… READ MORE


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