Monday MADness

MADness #49- Brokeback Mountain!

December 6th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Yeehaw! It’s Monday, and that means it’s time for another stop on the dusty trail that is my work for MAD Magazine. Today we have a look at MAD‘s spoof of the multiple Oscar winning film “Brokeback Mountain”, written by Arnie Kogen and appearing in MAD #465, May 2006. I thought MAD doing a spoof of this film was a real surprise for a couple of reasons. First, because of the lag between when a movie is in theaters and when the MAD parody appears in print, and given how short a time most movies spend playing in theaters nowadays, MAD mostly stuck with big… READ MORE

MAD KIDness #1: School Songs!

November 29th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Pay attention, class! We are taking a quick recess from our chronological review of my work in MAD magazine to have a lesson on some stuff I did for its all-too-brief sister publication, MAD KIDS. In late 2005, MAD started publishing a second magazine aimed at the grade school “Nickelodeon” market called MAD KIDS. It featured some reprinted content from the MAD archives that was often softed up for younger readers, but also had a lot of new content as well as puzzles and games. There were younger, kid versions of Alfred and Spy vs. Spy, and in general the humor was aimed at the… READ MORE

MADness #48- School Sucks!

November 22nd, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Attention, class! Stop with the spitballs and paper airplanes, ya momsers! It’s Monday and time for another history lesson on the worst of MAD Magazine with a look at “35 Scholarly Reasons Why School Sucks!”, written by Jacob Lambert and drawn by me and the terrific Peter Bagge! I thought it was a cool concept with this feature to split the art duties between myself and Peter. He had just started having art in MAD about a year earlier, but was already very well known for his comic book Hate and other work. I did not see any of Peter’s art on this until I… READ MORE

MADness #47- Two for One!

November 15th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine

It’s Monday already?!? Time for another installment of the game show that has everyone reaching for their remote controls, our chronological crawl through my work at MAD Magazine! This episode we have a look at the work I did for MAD #463, March 2006, which features a first for me with the magazine… the first issue in which I had two separate pieces featured. That’s twice the garbage for the same outrageous price! The first piece I did was a parody of the TV Show “Everybody Hates Chris”, written by the great Arnie Kogen. Whenever MAD does a “narrated” show like this there are always… READ MORE

MADNess #46- NBA Dress Code!

November 8th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine

It’s Monday! That means it’s time to hit the hardwood and drive to the paint with another sports-centric job for MAD. This is one of those two page spreads made up of individual spot illustrations and an unwieldy, far too long and wordy title we all love to page right past as we look for Sergio‘s “A MAD Look At…” This one is called “The Good Points and Bad Points of the New NBA Dress Code”, written by Jeff Kruse and Nate Fakes and first appearing in MAD #462, Feb 2006. Not much to say about this piece other than it would prove to be… READ MORE

MADness #45- Schiavo Media Circus!

November 1st, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Does that smell of peanuts, popcorn and animal feces mean the circus is in town? Sorry, no. It’s another Monday edition of our chronological crawl through my work at MAD Magazine… which at least accounts for the smell of feces. Today we have a look at my second “MAD 20″ piece for the magazine, this one about the terrible story of Terri Schiavo and the horrific political posturing and media frenzy that surrounded it. There is no writing credit on the feature, which means it was written by the editorial staff. Starting in 1999 (for the year 1998) MAD did a feature called “MAD‘s 20… READ MORE

MADness #44- Extreme Makeover!

October 25th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine

It’s Monday… AGAIN?!? Seems like this happens every single week! Well, it’s once again time for another pulse-pounding episode in our chronological crawl through my work at MAD Magazine. Today we take a look at MAD’s spoof of “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition”, written by MAD’s MADdest Writer Dick Debartolo and first appearing in MAD 460, December 2005. I remember this splash page being a very tough one to “solve”, meaning to figure out how to lay it out with the word boxes working with the characters speaking them all within a single environment. The show always begins with the designers and contractors in their big… READ MORE

MADness #43- Holiday Movies!

October 18th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Looks like it’s Monday AGAIN, so time for another naustiating look back at my work for MAD Magazine! This week’s episode is a holly, jolly look at the holiday follies that were the December movies of 2005. “MAD’s Inside Scoop on This Year’s Stupidest Holiday Movies” was written by Desmond Devlin and Scott Maiko, and first appeared in MAD #459, Nov 2005. The opening page with the “King Kong” movie gags was just reprinted in MAD #20 a few months ago. I recently read that “King Kong” star Adrian Brody turned down a role he was offered in “The Lord of the Rings” which he… READ MORE


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