Monday MADness
January 11th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine
We continue our Monday MADness chronological crawl through my work for MAD with a look at my eighth appearance in the magazine, a parody of the 2001 film “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider” subtly titled “Lotta Crotch: Bazoom Raider”, written by Desmond Devlin and appearing in MAD #410, Oct 2001. This movie was of course based on the popular video game, and starred a young Angelina Jolie in the title role. Her casting was criticized by video game fanboys mainly because they didn’t think she had big enough breasts to play the famously chesty Lara Croft. That is, of course, ridiculous considering this was a fictional… READ MORE
January 4th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Each Monday I’m doing an installment of a complete, chronological look at every job I did for MAD over my 20 year run for the magazine, complete with whatever stories, anecdotes, or milestones, might apply along with the full article. My next job for MAD was a seven pager called “MAD‘s 50 Worst Things About Sports” written by my CLAPTRAP cohort Desmond Devlin for MAD #408, Aug 2001. This piece was my longest so far for the magazine, and the second that was considered the “lead” feature… meaning the cover was a tease for this particular article. Of course I did not know that at… READ MORE
December 28th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine
I’ve told some of this story before here, so forgive me if you’ve already heard it. While this feature posted today was my 6th appearance in MAD, it was actually the very FIRST piece I was ever assigned from them. “MAD‘s Cable TV Viewing Odds”, written by John Biederman, appeared in MAD #406, June 2001… almost a year after I originally turned in the job. So technically this was the very first job I ever got from MAD. It was assigned to me in early June of 2000. I was told it was originally slated for MAD #398, but I got a call from MAD art director Sam Viviano shortly after turning in… READ MORE
December 21st, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Each Monday I’m doing an installment of a complete, chronological look at every job I did for MAD over my 20 year run for the magazine, complete with whatever stories, anecdotes, or milestones, might apply along with the full article. This Monday MADness installment is a look at my fifth appearance in MAD, which was also my first ever movie parody in the magazine. This was a spoof of the film “Traffic”, entitled “Traff-eccch!” written by longtime MAD writer Arnie Kogen for MAD #405, May 2001. This was also the first color movie parody to appear in MAD since the comic book days. I know… READ MORE
December 14th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Each Monday I’m doing an installment of a complete, chronological look at every job I did for MAD over my 20 year run for the magazine, complete with whatever stories, anecdotes, or milestones, might apply along with the full article. This week’s installment is a look at my fourth appearance in MAD, which was my first TV/movie parody. The subject was TV show “Malcolm in the Middle” entitled “Malcontent in the Muddle” written by my CLAPTRAP co-hort, Desmond Devlin for MAD #403, March 2001. I made no secret to MAD art director Sam Viviano that I REALLY wanted to do a movie or TV show… READ MORE
December 7th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Each Monday I’m doing an installment of a complete, chronological look at every job I did for MAD over my 20 year run for the magazine, complete with whatever stories, anecdotes, or milestones might apply and the full article. This week is a look at my third appearance in the magazine in “The MAD 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2000”, once again written by my CLAPTRAP co-hort, Desmond Devlin for MAD #401, Jan 2001. I know I just posted these images a few weeks ago post 2020 election, but I’m again I’m a completist so I’m doing these in order. When I originally… READ MORE
November 30th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Each Monday I’m doing an installment of a complete, chronological look at every job I did for MAD over my 20 year run for the magazine, complete with whatever stories, anecdotes or milestones might apply and the full article. This week is a look at my second appearance in the magazine, in a feature called “The Untold History of MAD Magazine”, written by my CLAPTRAP co-hort, Desmond Devlin for MAD #400, December 2000. MAD #400 was obviously a major milestone for the magazine. The issue was packed with special stuff, including a feature called “What Drives You MAD?” which contained actual responses to that question… READ MORE
November 23rd, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Since it looks like I’ve probably done my last job for MAD Magazine, I am going to start showing each piece I did for the magazine in chronological order here on the Monday MADness feature, and telling any stories associated with them. I know I showed a few of these recently but I’m a completist so here’s my first ever published MAD piece, from MAD #399, Nov 2000 written by Dick DeBartolo. This was not actually the first piece I ever did for the magazine. I did this one in September of 2000, and my first assignment was in June of 2000, but that one… READ MORE