Monday MADness
December 3rd, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Here we go again with another ridiculous choice for one of the panels that was my favorite to draw in a given parody, this time from MAD #2’s “Xander and Kam’s Sneaky Previews” written by Ian Boothby. Anyday I get to draw Harrison Ford‘s crooked nose is a good day. Also ALF! READ MORE
November 26th, 2018 | Posted in Monday MADness
Back in MAD #520 (April 2013) I did the art for this three page parody mash up of the TV reality show “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo” and the long-running conic strip “The Family Circus”. I had a particularly fun time doing this one because cartoonist Jeff Keane, who took over the strip from his dad Bil Keane several years before Bil’s passing in 2011, is a good friend of mine. In fact, when MAD assigned this to me, I called Jeff up and didn’t tell him this was coming as I wanted to surprise him, but during our conversation asked him “So, what kind… READ MORE
November 19th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Here’s another episode of “My Favorite Panel from MAD #…” where I post, you guessed it, my favorite panel from the job I did for that issue. I don’t count the big splash pages because they’d probably always get the nod. This one was from the parody of “Ready Player One” from MAD #3, written by Desmond Devlin. Des suggested the addition of “Leroy Jenkins”. I had decided the only way to parody a movie that is full of MAD-like pop-culture cameos already was to include characters that no one in a million years would actually choose as their avatar. Thus you have Strawberry Shortcake, a… READ MORE
November 12th, 2018 | Posted in Monday MADness
I’m in LA right now having come in to teach a workshop over last weekend and to attend a memorial celebrating the life of the one-of-a-kind MADman Nick Meglin. I brought along the above sketch cover of Nick I did for MAD/EC historian, art collector and longtime good friend of Nick’s, Grant Geissman, who commissioned it from me at San Diego Comic Con back in July. I took my time. It was a wonderful tribute to Nick, full of laughs, a few tears, and some great memories of a man who might be one of the most unsung contributors to the world of humor ever.… READ MORE
November 5th, 2018 | Posted in Monday MADness
This week’s Monday MADness is a look at the pencil roughs and final art for MAD‘s parody of the TV show ‘Medium” from MAD #454, June 2005, written by Dick DeBartolo. The show starred Patricia Arquette, Jake Webber and Miguel Sandoval. I had some fun with Patricia Arquette’s character’s penchant for wearing blouses about two sizes too small that made it look as if her very ample bosom was a few straining button-threads away from bursting forth… so there are popping buttons galore. The murderer in this parody is actually a fellow caricaturist I know, Dan Minamide aka “Dan the Cartoon Man”. Here’s a look… READ MORE
October 30th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Monday MADness becomes Tuesday MADness this week as I needed yesterday to conquer the last deadline that kept the blog so quiet last week. Done. Recovering. I did the art on this one page gag piece for MAD back in 2014 for their website, turnaround time 14 hours. That was rare thing back then, but a precursor to the new MAD website where they do quick turnaround gag cartoons all the time. MAD ended up printing this in issue #531. Here’s a look at the pencil (ok, DIGITAL) sketch: As you can see they made me change Obama’s face from the last panel. If I… READ MORE
October 1st, 2018 | Posted in Monday MADness
Here’s one last close-up look at a panel from my upcoming parody in MAD #4! More Universal monster mayhem. Issue 4 drops on October 9th!!! READ MORE
September 24th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Here’s another close-up sneak peek of a panel from the piece I did in the upcoming Halloween-themed MAD #4! You might be sensing a theme here as well. -Tom is on vacation outside the country, so comment moderation and responses may not happen for a while. Je suis désolé!- READ MORE