Monday MADness
April 3rd, 2018 | Posted in Monday MADness
The Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Research Center at Ohio State University is putting on a huge MAD exhibition entitled “Artistically MAD: Seven Decades of Satire” from May 5th-Oct 21st 2018 in the Robinson Gallery. Here’s their description: Harvey Kurtzman’s brainchild made its debut as a comic book in 1952 before switching to a magazine format in 1955. Over the ensuing years, MAD has featured artwork by many of the most talented cartoonists in the industry. This comprehensive exhibition will showcase original drawings and paintings by all of the top MAD contributors, including Bill Elder, Jack Davis, Wally Wood, Norman Mingo, Al Jaffee, Serio Aragonés, Don Martin, Mort Drucker… READ MORE
April 2nd, 2018 | Posted in Monday MADness
This week’s Monday MADness is a look at the pencils of MAD #548’s parody of “Stranger Things”. Splash page above and story pages below. I drew these digitally on my Wacom Cintiq 27QHD. Parody written by Desmond Devlin. READ MORE
March 26th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine
After weeks of teasing and gaslighting readers with hints about what to expect, this past weekend the new look MAD Magazine was unveiled at Wondercon in Anaheim. So, what was real and what were gags about the new MAD? Here’s a rundown: Alfred E Neuman gets a facelift and becomes Al Newman– Gag. Alfred is still Alfred. He’s still a gap-toothed idiot. He’s not this: They are redesigning the logo– True, but it’s not the horrific 80’s chrome monstrosity seen above. That was a gag. The new logo: It’s clearly a re-imagining of the classic Kurtman Era logo from the comic book days. MAD is… READ MORE
March 19th, 2018 | Posted in Monday MADness
Back in October at New York Comic Con, DC Entertainment did a MAD theme for their big company party in honor of the many years of great work the NYC MAD staff had done on the magazine. What you see above is the customized bar menu for the evening. I had two ‘Pale Ale Jaffee”s, the “43-Man Squamish” and “The Sergio Aragonés”… and I don’t remember much after that. READ MORE
March 12th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Caricature of longtime MAD scribe Des Devlin for MAD 550’s feature article “Gotcha! Mug Shots of Common (but Despicable) Criminals” written by Scott Maiko. Uhhh… sorry, Des? READ MORE
March 5th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine
I often get asked what my favorite job for MAD has been, and while the standard answer is “the last one”, this one I did of the TV show “Breaking Bad” for MAD #516 (Aug 2012) and written by Desmond Devlin is right up there. Here are the pencil roughs for that job, plus all the final art. For some reason I did “full art” on this one and did not ink in the word boxes like I usually do. I honestly cannot remember why I decided to do that, but there it is. READ MORE
February 26th, 2018 | Posted in Monday MADness
I usually don’t scan the full sized pencil from a movie/TV parody in MAD, since I do the roughs at print size and then get all the review/approval/direction at that stage. For some reason I have the full page scans of the final pencils for the complete movie parody “Spider-Sham Too” from MAD #446, October 2004, written by Dick DeBartolo. So, here are examples of my finished pencils, done on bristol board at 200% of print size, over which I then ink and scan to color (clicky any to embiggen): READ MORE
February 19th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Here’s a sneak peek at my piece in the latest issue of MAD, a parody of the TV show “This is Us” written by Desmond Devlin. Oh, and I did a self caricature for the “Gotcha: Mug Shots of Common (But Despicable) Criminals” feature written by Scott Maiko: Whadya mean you want to read the jokes in the word boxes? What do you think this is, a furshlugginer library? Go out and buy a copy, clod! READ MORE