Monday MADness

Monday MADness: MAD Radio Interview!

December 18th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

MAD Senior VP & Executive Editor John Ficarra was interviewed yesterday morning on NYC radio station AM970 The Answer on the “Morano in the Morning” show. Here’s the interview, John’s segment starts at 17:51: READ MORE

Monday MADness: The OD!

December 4th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Anyone remember the mid 2000’s FOX prime time soap opera about privileged and whiny teenagers from southern California called “The O.C.”? Me neither. But MAD did a parody of it in #442, June 2004. It was written by Dennis Snee with art by me. The pencil roughs from the splash are lost to posterity, but here’s look at the finished art and the inks from the splash page and the pencil roughs and finshes of the rest of the parody. Just for fun I drew two (at the time) teenagers I knew who were actually FROM Orange County, Joe and Luke McGarry. They are the… READ MORE

Monday Animated MADness- Jurassic Parks and Recreation!

November 27th, 2017 | Posted in Monday MADness

Here are a bunch of character designs I did for the MAD animated show for a segment in season 3 called “Jurassic Park and Recreation”. I’ve linked to a video of it below, but it’s in Spanish. :\ Here’s the video:   READ MORE

Animated Monday MADness: Dog with a Star Log

November 20th, 2017 | Posted in Monday MADness

Here’s a look at another “mash-up” spoof I worked on for the animated MAD show on Cartoon Network, “Dog with a Star Log”. Sorry, the only video of the segment online is some camcorder pirated job on YouTube and I won’t post that here. Actually I thought this was one of the best segments I worked on in terms of my drawings being translated to animation. READ MORE

Monday MADness: Samantha Who?

November 13th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Here’s a rare look at a splash page I did for a MAD parody from roughs through final pencils, inks, and color. The published final is above. It’s rare because I very seldom scan my final pencils in before inking them, so I have few examples of the pencil stage. This is a parody of the short lived TV show “Samantha Who?” as written by Dick DeBartolo and appeared in MAD #489, May 2008. Clicky to embiggen. Pencil Roughs Final Pencils Inks Final Color   READ MORE

Monday MADness: Stranger Things Cover Story!

October 30th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

In late July I got a call from MAD art director Sam Viviano asking me if I was interested in doing the cover of issue #548, which would be a “Stranger Things” theme. I was in the middle of doing the art on Desmond Devlin‘s 7 page parody of “Stranger Things” at the time, so this was a no-brainer for me. Actually, ANY cover assignment for MAD is always a no-brainer. Covers jobs are rare as there are only six covers a year, and the brilliant Mark Fredrickson deservedly gets 99.9% of them. I had only ever done one other cover for the main magazine,… READ MORE

Monday Animated MADness: Malcolm in Middle Earth!

October 23rd, 2017 | Posted in Monday MADness

Here’s a look at some of the character work I did for the “MAD” show’s segment “Malcolm in the Middle Earth”, with the video clip at the bottom:   READ MORE

Monday MADness: MAD vs. Viz!

October 16th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine

One of the highlights of the Lakes International Comic Art Festival for me was the “MAD Vs. Viz” panel featuring the one and only Sergio Aragonés and myself representing MAD, and the very funny Graham Dury and Simon Thorp from the British humor magazine Viz, moderated by John McShane. John interviews Sergio and Graham Viz is a hilarious publication featuring a compilation of short comics by various creators, fake ads, parodies of tabloids and letters pages, and other features. It was founded in 1979, and at one time was the third biggest selling magazine in all of Britain. Its humor is often raunchy and politically… READ MORE


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