Monday MADness

Monday MADness- Lewd and Disorder Inks!

January 30th, 2017 | Posted in Monday MADness

This week’s Monday MADness is a look at the finished inks for MAD #449’s parody of of the TV show “Law and Order: Criminal Intent” entitled “Lewd & Disorder: Criminal Malcontent” written by Dick DeBartolo, dated Jan 2005. At the time this was one of my favorite pieces I had done for MAD because it was a lot of fun exaggerating the difference in size of the hulking Vincent D’Onofrio and the diminutive Kathryn Erbe. D’Onofrio was also always doing these weird and uncomfortable things when talking with people where he would lean in and around their personal space, peeking around them with his head… READ MORE

Monday MADness: Mike and Molly!

January 23rd, 2017 | Posted in Monday MADness

This week’s Monday MADness is a look at the pencil roughs of the Arnie Kogen penned parody of the TV show “Mike and Molly” from MAD #514, April 2012 (clicky any to embiggen): READ MORE

Monday MADness- Royal Tenenbaums!

January 16th, 2017 | Posted in Monday MADness

This week’s Monday MADness is a look at the splash page for one of my earliest movie parodies, writer Arnie Kogen‘s send up of Wes Anderson‘s “The Royal Tenenbaums” which appeared in MAD #417, May 2002. It’s has a sentimental place for me because MAD doesn’t parody these kinds of films very often anymore. In fact, after this one the only films I’ve drawn the parody for that did not feature wizards, British spys, robots, tributes, or super-heroes, have been “School of Rock”, “Brokeback Mountain”, “American Sniper” and the recent “Sully”. Sadly the original scans and color art, including the scans of the roughs, have… READ MORE

Monday Madness- “Silly” Pencils

January 9th, 2017 | Posted in Monday MADness

Here’s a look at the pencil roughs for MAD‘s parody of the movie “Sully” from the latest issue. You can see some of the finished art here. Better yet, go out and buy a copy of MAD #543 to see the whole thing!: All of these roughs were done digitally on a Cintiq 27HD Touch and PhotoShop. READ MORE

Monday MADness: Fun with a Weiner

January 2nd, 2017 | Posted in Monday MADness

My art for the MAD 20 this year… you’ll find it and the other nineteen “Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2016” in MAD #543, on news stands now! READ MORE

Monday MADness: Honoring Angelo!

December 19th, 2016 | Posted in Monday MADness

  I was extremely remiss in not posting about this right after it happened. The National Cartoonists Society honored wonderful, longtime member of MAD‘s “Usual Gang of Idiots” Angelo Torres with the prestigious Milton Caniff Lifetime Achievement Award on October 24th in a ceremony in New York City. The Caniff is a big deal, and Angelo greatly deserve the recognition for a long and fantastic career both inside and outside the pages of MAD. Unfortunately I could not be there, as I was in Orlando on our annual family trip to visit The Mouse and other friends at the time. Several of Angelo’s admirers sent… READ MORE

MAD 543 Sneak Peek- Silly!

December 12th, 2016 | Posted in Monday MADness

As promised, here’s a sneak peek at my art for the Dick DeBartolo penned parody of the movie “Sully”… What do you mean, you want to read the word balloons? What do you think this is, a furshlugginer library? Go out and buy a copy of MAD #543, clod! READ MORE

Monday MADness- Superman Returns Pencils!

November 21st, 2016 | Posted in Monday MADness

This weeks Monday MADness is a look at the original pencil roughs from the movie parody of “Superman Returns” written by MAD‘s Maddest Writer Dick DeBartolo and originally appearing in MAD #468, August 2006. Incidentally I got to meet Superman himself, Brandon Routh, at a Warner Brothers/DC Entertainment event last summer at San Diego Comic con: I told him I drew him in the MAD Magazine parody of his movie, to which he replied “What’s MAD Magazine?” READ MORE


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