Monday MADness
October 24th, 2016 | Posted in Monday MADness
Goodnight Batcave, written by Dave Croatto with art by me and the first of a new line of MAD parody books, is officially released tomorrow! Here’s a peek at a couple of the work-in-progress penciled pages and cover from the book (some of the art and copy were tweaked in the final version): Don’t forget to pick up a copy for a holiday gift for that little caped crusader in your life. Yes, it’s quite appropriate for little kids, although adults will get a chuckle from some of the more subtle gags and nods to the Batmanverse and MAD. READ MORE
October 17th, 2016 | Posted in Monday MADness
MAD Senior VP & Executive Editor John Ficarra was interviewed at New York Comic Con by Geeks of Doom, where he opines about all things MAD including the about-to-be-released new MAD book Goodnight Batcave! READ MORE
September 26th, 2016 | Posted in Monday MADness
Advance copies of Goodnight Batcave arrrived Friday sporting a fancy, glossy hardcover! Works like a charm! Available on October 25th where ever fine (and this one) books are sold. READ MORE
September 20th, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Missed Monday MADness yesterday after my busy workshop weekend. Here’s a Tuesday edition… a look back at the original pencil roughs of MAD‘s parody of the film “Watchmen”, written by Desmond Devlin from MAD #499, April 2009. Here’s the final art. The last panel was rethought from the original roughs: READ MORE
September 12th, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Hmmm, this doesn’t seem quite as funny as it was back in MAD #473, Jan 2007… too prophetic now, maybe? READ MORE
September 5th, 2016 | Posted in Monday MADness
Funny what you find when digging through your flat files. I had no idea I still had this. It is the pencil rough for the first piece I ever had printed in MAD, done almost exactly 16 years ago. “Gadgets to Really Make Home Theater Like Going to the Movies!” was written by Dick DeBartolo and appeared in MAD #399, Oct 2000. Here’s what the final looked like in the magazine: READ MORE
August 29th, 2016 | Posted in Monday MADness
In the latest issue of MAD I did the art for a parody of the HGTV show “Fixer Upper”, and rather than draw two generic people as the couple whose house is being renovated I drew in my two good friends Ed and Heather Steckley… sometimes I do things just to amuse myself. This was not unprecedented. Way back in 2003 I did the art on a Dick DeBartolo written spoof of the show “Trading Spaces”, which featured two couples as the “contestants” (for lack of a better term). That time I drew in two of our neighborhood couples, The McNeils (in the red shirts)… READ MORE
August 22nd, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine
This week’s Monday MADness is another blast from the past… this time from MAD #400, December 2000. This was my second appearance in the magazine, and my first color piece for them. I was assigned the job of doing fake covers from each decade that MAD was in existence for an article entitled “The Untold History of MAD“. These printed really small in the article, so here they are about actual art size. The 1950’s The 1960’s The 1970’s The 1980’s The 1990’s These next ones were described as a double cover issue printed the morning after Yelsin’s attempted coup of Russia, done is the… READ MORE