Monday MADness

Monday MADness- Best Picture 2003!

April 25th, 2016 | Posted in Monday MADness

Back in issue #428 (April 2003), MAD had me draw a two page feature entitled “MAD Sizes up the Oscars- Best Picture 2003″. Actually this was part of a longer feature that included “Best Actor” (Drew Friedman art) and “Best Actress” (Rick Tulka art), and was written by Greg Leitman, Barry Liebmann, Mike Snider and David Shayne. Here are the pencils roughs: And the finished spot artwork: Actually my first gag idea for the “Lord of the Rings” was this: But MAD made me redo it because this was their cover for that issue (art by Dale Stephanos): Cover image courtesy Doug Gilford ah well… READ MORE

A MAD Cover Story

April 11th, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine

I was asked by some readers to share the process of creating the cover art for MAD #539, so although there is really not that much to it, here you go: I was thrilled to get a call from MAD art director Sam Viviano asking me if I was willing to do the cover art for the next issue. Actually it was more like him asking if I could possibly fit it into my schedule, since he was well aware I was in the middle of doing the art on MAD‘s parody of “The Force Awakes”, which was nine pages and the longest parody in… READ MORE

Monday MADness! TV Ad Shows!

April 4th, 2016 | Posted in Monday MADness

Television executives weren’t always the entertainment geniuses they are today, where they either endlessly mine comic books and graphic novels for ideas for shows, or just steal ideas from other shows ideas for ideas for shows… or pretend a completely scripted and carefully calculated program is an “unscripted reality show”. As recently as 2007, some TV executives actually thought it was a good idea to create a show based on characters from TV ads, specifically the Geico insurance “cavemen” (psst… it was NOT a good idea). Never one to restrain themselves from shooting fish in a barrel, MAD jumped on this dogpile with the feature… READ MORE

Monday Madness: Another “Bookazine” Cover

March 21st, 2016 | Posted in Monday MADness

This is another cover I did for one of MAD‘s “bookazine” releases, this one entitled “MAD Spoofs the ’80s”. The book is just got released, and is on the rack in fine, not-so-fine, and downright sketchy stores everywhere. If you are interested (and even if you aren’t) Alfred and the Rubik’s Cube are painted digitally, while I did the caricatures in pen and ink. I’m glad I did the cover because I have no work whatsoever in the book itself. I spent the first half of the eighties in high school, the second half of them in college, and the entire decade doing no work… READ MORE

Monday MADness: American Idol #2!

March 7th, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Again in honor of the final season of “American Idol”: As mentioned last week, I have done two pieces about “American Idol” in MAD… here’s the earlier one I did from MAD #440, April 2004, written by Greg Leitman. I would have posted some of the preliminary drawings but I guess all sketches/roughs for this are lost to posterity. Lots of private cameos in this one. Those are my kids’s names on the blackboard along with “Max Korn” and good friend Brady (Parham). Brady’s parents, caricaturist/illustrator Keelan and wife Barbie are in the center with a Tiki idol between them (inside joke). The guy wringing… READ MORE

Monday MADness: American Idol!

February 29th, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine

It’s the final season of “American Idol”, so here’s a look back at one of the two pieces I did about the show over the years in MAD. These are the pencil roughs and final artwork for “You Can Write the Next American Idol Single!”, written by Desmond Devlin and appearing in MAD #466, June 2006. It’s actually kind of amazing how many of the people in this piece are still somewhat relevant. READ MORE

On the Stands: MAD #538

February 22nd, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Available tomorrow everywhere magazines are still sold (if you can find any of those places)!!: Cover (Mark Fredrickson) Letters and Tomatoes (Ed.) The Fundalini Pages (Chris Houghton, Bob Eckstein, Caitlin Bitzegaio, Desmond Devlin, Rick Tulka, Tom Hamilton, Matt Lassen, Paul Coker, Jeff Kruse, Phil McAndrew, Tom Cheney, Mike Morse, Evan Dorkin & Sarah Dyer, Samuel Ferri, Josh Mecouch, Shannon Wheeler, Justin Peterson, Kenny Keil, Kevin Pope, P.C. Vey) Donald: GOPNuts- A MAD Political Movie Poster (Uncredited) A MAD Look at Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Sergio Aragonés, colorist: Jim Campbell) William Shakespeare, Pothead? (Desmond Devlin, Rick Geary) Taylor Swift Fun Facts (Mike Morse & Evan… READ MORE

Monday Madness: The Hunger Pains!

February 15th, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Next week the latest issue of MAD hits the stands, and I did the artwork for the Desmond Devlin penned parody of both “The Hunger Games: The Mockingjay” Parts I and II, combined in one eight page extravaganza. I’ll post some sneak peeks of that once the issue is out. This week’s Monday MADness is a look at my and Des’s take on “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire: from MAD #526 April 2014, pencil comps and final art: READ MORE


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