Monday MADness

Monday MADness- Sam Viviano Interview!

February 8th, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine

1981 MAD Cover by Sam Viviano! I came across this January interview with longtime MAD artist and current MAD VP of Art and Design (over 16 years as art director) Sam Viviano over at It’s a look at the nuts and bolts (mostly nuts) of the design and production of everyone’s favorite satirical humor magazine, as well as Sam’s history with the magazine… well a very truncated version of it anyway. Here’s an excerpt: In 1980, Viviano received a call from MAD editor Al Feldstein, who was searching for a replacement for longtime cover artist Norman Mingo, who had passed away a few months… READ MORE

MAD Oscar Cover Art

February 1st, 2016 | Posted in Monday MADness

MAD has had a number of different series of reprint collections over the years, Super-Specials, MAD XL, MAD Color Classics, MAD Classics, etc. The last few years they have been doing “Bookazines“, which are perfect bound Special Collectors Editions usually centered around some theme or whatnot. These have have original covers, and I did the cover art for the newest one that will be on news stands, bookstores, and comic book shops, this week: “MAD Presents Oscar Winners (and Losers!)”!! Final art above, here’s how it looks in print: These specials are printed on nice, heavy, glossy stock, so while everything is a reprint the… READ MORE

Monday MADness- Boston Public!

January 18th, 2016 | Posted in Monday MADness

Remember that TV show from the early 2000’s about a Boston public high school and the daily drama between it’s faculy, staff and students called “Boston Public”? That’s okay… neither does anyone else. But MAD did a parody of it in issue #413, January 2002! Desmond Devlin wrote it and I drew it. I think I even got paid for it. Anyway, here’s a look at the art: READ MORE

Monday MADness- Ironic Man!

January 11th, 2016 | Posted in Monday MADness

This week’s Monday MADness is a look at the pencil roughs and final art for MAD’s parody of 2008’s “Iron Man” from MAD #492, Aug 2008, written by Desmond Devlin: READ MORE

Monday MADness: Brokebutt Mountain!

January 4th, 2016 | Posted in Monday MADness

Here’s a rare (because I almost never scan my finished pencils before I ink them) look at all four stages of a MAD job, this from MAD‘s parody of “Brokeback Mountain” written by Arnie Kogen, MAD #465, May 2006… Initial roughs: Finished pencils: Finished Inks: Finished color: READ MORE

Monday MADness- Holiday Movies!

December 21st, 2015 | Posted in Monday MADness

Sticking to the Holiday theme this week, here’s a look at the only “holiday” orientated piece I ever did for MAD: “MAD’s Inside Scoop On This Year’s Stupidest Holiday Movies” Written by Desmond Devlin and Scott Maiko from MAD #459, November 2005. READ MORE

Mon… uh, Tuesday MADness- Kim City!

December 1st, 2015 | Posted in Monday MADness

Continuing a look back at some of my art from “The MAD 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things” feature over the years, here’s a piece from MAD #473, Jan 2007. READ MORE

Monday MADness- The Loan Wars!

November 23rd, 2015 | Posted in Monday MADness

Next month MAD #537 will feature the annual “MAD 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things” of the year (and yes, I did the art on one of them this year). The next several installments of Monday MADness will take a look back at some of the MAD 20 pieces I have done over the years. This one is from MAD #497, Jan 2009. It’s a commentary on the government bailout of the big banks after the mortgage implosion crisis. The concept was to spoof of “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” but with Ben Bernanke, Henry Paulson, Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank (with cameos by G.W.… READ MORE


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