Monday MADness
November 16th, 2015 | Posted in Monday MADness
I know I’ve posted the artwork to this piece, the first thing I ever had published in MAD, many times. However this issue (#399) was finally just released in digital format via the MAD iPad app, so I can show it to you with all of Dick DeBartolo‘s hilarious jokes in place as it appeared in print back in Oct 2000. MAD is slowly building up it’s digital back issue library in their app. Print subscribers get the digital version of the latest issues FREE, and can purchase back issues for as little as $.99 when they are on sale. The app is free and… READ MORE
November 9th, 2015 | Posted in Monday MADness
Back in MAD #476, April of 2007 I did the art for a parody of the TV show “Entourage”, written by Arnie Kogen. The opening splash called for one of the show’s famous party scenes where you could always count on a couple of gratuitous celebrity cameos. Here is the art progression from (very) rough sketch, final pencil, and inks leading up to the finished art above (clicky any to embiggen…): The rough sketch… The final pencil… Finished inks… READ MORE
November 2nd, 2015 | Posted in Monday MADness
In last week’s Monday MADness I shared a piece from MAD #471, November 2006 called “When Video Games Become Religious”. I actually had two pieces in that issue… the second being the above rare comic-strip format piece in the Fundalini Pages called “One Afternoon on Pacific Coast Highway”, commenting on Mel Gibson‘s then-recent drunken anti-Semitic rant after a traffic stop. Original pencil rough below. READ MORE
October 26th, 2015 | Posted in General
After yesterday’s mailbag concerning MAD possibly doing full length parodies of modern video games, here’s the piece I mentioned I did the art on from way back in MAD #471, Nov. 2006… “When Video Games Become Religious” written by Jacob Lambert. Pencil roughs followed by the finished spot illustrations (my favorite one is above)…. READ MORE
October 19th, 2015 | Posted in Monday MADness
I usually don’t bother to scan in my actual final pencils on any MAD jobs before I ink them, since I don’t usually need to send them in for approval (that’s all done with the roughs) and they are REALLY BIG and therefore a pain to scan. However I happened to come across scans of the final pencils for the splash page of MAD‘s parody of “The Dark Knight Rises” from issue #519 among some random files on my computer. I have no earthly idea why I went to the trouble of scanning them, but if anyone is interested in seeing what my final penciled… READ MORE
October 5th, 2015 | Posted in Monday MADness
Fifteen years ago this month The Lovely Anna threw a party at our house to celebrate the release of MAD #399, which contained my very first published piece for the magazine. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since that issue hit the stands. Here are some stats and facts from my one and a half decades with MAD: #399 turned out to be the last fully black and white issue of MAD printed on the old paper stock. #400 was a special color anniversary issue, #401 and #402 contained color portions and were on the upgraded stock, and in #403 it was… READ MORE
September 28th, 2015 | Posted in Monday MADness
What, oh what could be the subject of the piece I did for the upcoming issue of MAD? You’ll just have to wait until issue #536 hits the stands to find out! It’ll be in comic book shops, subscribers mailboxes, and on the iPad next week, and on news stands everywhere October 13th! READ MORE
September 21st, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine
The TV series “Heroes” is getting a reboot this fall. I did the art on the parody of the original series back in MAD #487, March 2008, written by Desmond Devlin. For some reason (can’t remember why) I scanned the final pencils of the three individual pages before inking and coloring them. Here is the final splash page art and the final pencils and art for pages 3, 4 and 5 (clicky any to embiggen): READ MORE