Monday MADness
September 14th, 2015 | Posted in Monday MADness
In honor of the start of the NFL season, here’s a look at the final art for a sports piece from MAD #416, April 2002. It’s called “Their Team… Your Team…” written by J. Prete. It is one of only four jobs I ever did for MAD in black and white, although MAD was in full color by the time it saw print. The concept was gags involving how the same behavior or situation is looked at differently if it applies to a team you root for, or for one that you don’t. Clicky any to embiggen: Their Team… bought a pennant. Your Team… made… READ MORE
September 7th, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine
DC Comics announced its 2015 New York Comic Con panel lineup recently… including one on MAD Magazine: “Mad About MAD” – The country’s #1-selling humor magazine (in a field of 1), MAD Magazine is dumber than ever! Join Editor John Ficarra, Art Director Sam Viviano, Peter Kuper, Tom Richmond and Jonathan Bresman for a ridiculous peek at what’s happening at the magazine, and an epically, moronic Q&A. Sunday Oct 11th, 2:30pm, Room 1A21 If you are attending NYCC, stop by and find out what kind of stupidity you can expect from the Usual Gang of Idiots in the next few months! READ MORE
August 24th, 2015 | Posted in Monday MADness
This week’s Monday MADness is something from WAAAAY back. In fact it’s technically the very first thing I ever did for MAD that got “published”… so to speak. Way back in the summer/fall of 2000, MAD spent several months posting original content on its website, then called Called the “MADness of the Week”, these were specially written and drawn features that were sometimes “rollover” images or illustrations that had pop up gags, sometimes static images with text and later included flash-based shorts with limited animation. MAD had their freelancers produce the work, both writing and art, and then would produce the features and post… READ MORE
August 17th, 2015 | Posted in Monday MADness
Here’s a look at the pencil roughs for MAD‘s parody of “The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies” that was at exclusive part of the special Loot Crate issue. If it seems my roughs get progressively rougher as the parody goes along, that is not your imagination, that is the deadline looming: READ MORE
August 10th, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine
In comic book shops, on the iPad and in subscribers mailboxes now, on news stands everywhere tomorrow: Cover (Mark Fredrickson) Letters and Tomatoes (Ed.) The Fundalini Pages (Evan Waite, Bob Staake, Jeff Kruse, Anton Emdin, Jason Yungbluth, Alison Grambs, C.F. Payne, Tim Latterner, Adam Koford, Kenny Keil, John Martz, P.C. Vey, Kevin Pope, Samuel Ferri, Chris Houghton) Donald Trump: Blowhard with a Vengeance (Writer: Desmond Devlin) The Scavengers: Age of Moron (Desmond Devlin, Tom Richmond) Are You a Foodie… or Not? (Kenny Keil, Paul Coker) Sympathy Cards We Wish We Could Buy (Writer: Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Artists: Leonardo Rodriguez, Rick Tulka, Emily Flake) Ben Carson:… READ MORE
August 3rd, 2015 | Posted in Monday MADness
Believe it or not the iPad version of MAD #535 is already out. Above is Mark Fredrickson‘s terrific cover art. This cover got a big laugh at the MAD panel at San Diego Comic-Con, where they showed it for the audience. Speaking of San Diego Comic-Con, when I was there last month I did a couple of live demos over at the Wacom booth on their fancy new 27QHD Touch. I took the opportunity to work on an actual piece for the upcoming issue of MAD. Of course I can’t actually say what I was working on yet, but… Incidentally the 27QHD is really awesome.… READ MORE
July 27th, 2015 | Posted in Monday MADness
From MAD #447, waaaaay back in November 2004, here’s a look at the rough sketches and final art from MAD‘s parody of “The Bernie Mac Show”, written by David Shayne… READ MORE
July 20th, 2015 | Posted in Monday MADness
Some years back MAD started a new line of hardcover books entitled “MAD‘s Greatest Artists”, which now has volumes for Sergio Aragonés, Dave Berg and Mort Drucker… no doubt with more on the way. I was remiss in pointing out back in early May that the first of MAD‘s corresponding new “MAD‘s Greatest Writers” line of books is finally out and available for purchase. The first subject being the great Frank Jacobs. Frank is the most prolific MAD writer ever, with nearly 600 articles published in the magazine. He’s of course best known for his song parodies (“Sing to the Tune of…”), which makes the… READ MORE