Monday MADness
January 12th, 2015 | Posted in Monday MADness
In trying to explain what the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo is to a lot of Americans who had never heard of it, many news sources mentioned MAD Magazine as a comparison. One even went so far as to wonder how the American public would react if a group of gunman went into the MAD offices and gunned down the staff. The comparison does not fit. While MAD is not afraid to take on controversial topics like religion (and does), it does so within certain boundaries. It attacks hypocrisy, abused authority, and dishonesty, not the core beliefs that people hide behind when performing those acts. MAD… READ MORE
January 5th, 2015 | Posted in Monday MADness
How about something a little different this week? The piece above is of longtime editor of MAD Magazine Nick Meglin. When Nick retired from MAD several years ago, they put together a “MAD Book” for him. This is something they used to do for Bill Gaines after each of the famous MAD trips. All the artists and writers who went on the trip would do a piece of art or prose inspired by their adventure, often times very “blue”, off color ,or outrageous, and these pieces would be assembled into a book presented to Bill as a thank you. At some point they started doing… READ MORE
December 29th, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness
This week’s Monday MADness features my artwork from Dick DeBarolo‘s parody of “Hell’s Kitchen” in MAD #470, October 2006. Below are the pencil roughs, final colored art and (bizarrely) the third and forth pages inked and set up in the layout with text in place. I cannot remember why I did that with pages three and four… must have been for a presentation or something demonstrating the pre-color artwork in place. Anyway, clicky any to embiggen: Final splash page art The pencil roughs… Inked with copy, page 3 and 4 spread Page 3 final Page 4 final Panel three features “Pearls Before Swine” cartoonist Stephan… READ MORE
December 22nd, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness
This week’s Monday MADness features a few panels from “MAD‘s Inside Scoop On This Year’s Stupidest Holiday Movies” written by Desmond Devlin and Scott Maiko in MAD #459, Nov. 2005. Also as a bonus, the pencil roughs at the bottom (clicky any image to embiggen): King Kong Tom Cruise‘s lunatic couch-bouncing Oprah appearance was used by computer animators as a basis for one of Kong’s rampages. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire To save time in make-up, Daniel Radcliff agreed to let the famous lightning blot scar be permanently seared into his forehead with a red hot linoleum knife, having made peace with the… READ MORE
December 15th, 2014 | Posted in MAD Magazine
On news stands everywhere tomorrow, in comic book shops this week, in most subscriber’s mailboxes already and available digitally immediately via the MAD iPad app: MAD #531 (February 2015) Cover (Mark Fredrickson) MAD’s First-Ever Guarantee (Writer: Dick DeBartolo) The Fundalini Pages (Jeff Kruse, John Martz, Bob Staake, Rick Tulka, Bob Eckstein, Rick Tulka, Anton Emdin, Tom Bunk) The MAD 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2014 The NFL’s Domestic Violence Problem (Uncredited) Ebola Hysteria (Uncredited) The GM Recall Debacle (Matt Lassen, Scott Bricher) The Militarization of the Police Dept (Desmond Devlin, Richard Williams) Target’s Security Breach (Writer: Darren Johnson) Obama Caught Off Guard (Artist:… READ MORE
December 8th, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness
Here’s another sneak peek at one of “MAD‘s 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2014″ coming in next week’s MAD #531! #13- CNN’s Flight 370 Coverage (Courtesy READ MORE
December 1st, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness
Totally Useless Fax Dept. You would think it a fairly common occurrence that, in the process of doing movie and TV parodies for MAD, I would often end up drawing the same actors over and over in different shows or films. Actually outside of when an actor appears in the same role in sequels or movies series, that hasn’t happened all that much for me. I remember drawing both Gene Hackman and Owen Wilson in the spoofs of “Behind Enemy Lines” and then “The Royal Tennenbaums” just a couple of issues later. I drew Hugh Jackman in “X-2” and then “Van Helsing” less than a… READ MORE
November 24th, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness
Click image for a closer look… Back in 2008 I did this illustration of the cover of MAD Kids, the short lived but much loved spin off of MAD put together for the Nick Jr. set. Pencils and a few closeups of some elements below, as well as the image as it appear on the cover of MAD Kids #13. This is obviously a takeoff on the famous Norman Rockwell painting “Freedom from Want”, a popular vehicle for satire in MAD and elsewhere. I added a couple of gags just to make it more interesting, hence Yoda levitating the salt shaker, the alien eyes in… READ MORE