Monday MADness
November 17th, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness
David, Kit, Garth, Annie and Me I spent this past weekend in Dallas, Texas at a small comic con called the North Texas Comic Book Show. This is a quarterly event organized by a nice gentleman named Chris Latshaw. Chris invites a few artists as guests for the show, and this time he had the hare-brained idea to do a “MAD” theme and invite a bunch of The Usual Gang of Idiots to appear. Included was the following: David DeGrand– Writer/artist on “The Fundalini Pages” feature “Ain’t Life DeGrand” and “The Strip Club” feature “Patience Man” for MAD, David has a long list of credits… READ MORE
November 10th, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness
I just finished a piece for this year’s MAD 20 aka MAD‘s 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2014, so I thought it would be appropriate to post some of the art from a past MAD 20 piece. This was from MAD #502, Jan 2010, and was depicting the arrest of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates by Sgt. James Crowley for trying to break into his own house. After an escalating media fight with accusations of racial profiling, harsh comments from Obama that were then criticized by law enforcement, the President had both parties and VP Joe Biden discuss the issue at a patio… READ MORE
November 3rd, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness
Well, technically election day is tomorrow but today is “Monday MADness”, so here’s an election day themed blast from the past: In October of 2000 MAD was putting together it’s annual “MAD 20 People, Events and Things” issue and I was assigned the obligatory page making fun of the presidential election of that year, George W. Bush versus Al Gore. The issue was going to press on Nov. 8th, the day after the election. Not knowing who was going to win, I was asked to do two versions of the image, one with Bush being sworn in and one with Gore, showing the appropriate despondent… READ MORE
October 27th, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness
Not exactly from MAD this week but rather an odd MAD-releated job from Warner Bros Consumer Products, which to my knowledge has never been used. WB has contracted me in the past to do a number of Alfred E. Neuman illustrations they use on various products. I did one for the International Spy Museum, and several as seasonal Alfred images like for St. Paddy’s Day and Halloween. This one was (I think) also for Halloween a few years ago, but it was never explained to me what the specific use was supposed to be. It’s a pretty bizarre concept- an Alfred/Little Red Riding Hood mash-up.… READ MORE
October 20th, 2014 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Clicky any to embiggen…’s Gamma Squad published an interview with MAD editor John Ficarra on Friday which included an exclusive look some of Desmond Devlin and my parody of “Orange is the New Black”, so after a few days of waiting I can show you a sneak peek of the art myself. This was a BIG eight pager… the longest MAD parody I’ve done since the nine page “Harry Plodder and the Lamest of Sequels” back in 2002’s MAD #424. It was unique in it had what was essentially a three page splash. The first page was a left side page, followed by this… READ MORE
October 6th, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness
I’m going to do a few Halloween related Monday MADness’s this month… you know, stuff involving werewolves, vampires, zombies and other really scary looking things like Kevin Bacon. Here are the pencil roughs and final art for MAD‘s parody of the film “Van Helsing”¬¨‚Ć (MAD #445, April 2004, written by Dick DeBartolo), a film so bad that even Kate Beckinsale in a bustier couldn’t save it (clicky any to embiggen): READ MORE
September 29th, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness
Not too many people remember this, but MAD was actually a bit ahead of it’s time when it came to internet content. Way back in the summer/fall of 2000, before blogger and Facebook and “Web 2.0”, MAD spent several months posting original content on its website, then called Called the “MADness of the Week”, these were specially written and drawn features that were sometimes “rollover” images or illustrations that had pop up gags, sometimes static images with text and later included flash-based shorts with limited animation. MAD had their freelancers produce the work, both writing and art, and then would produce the features and… READ MORE
September 22nd, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness
This week’s Monday MADness is a look back at the original pencil roughs of MAD‘s parody of the film “Watchmen”, written by Desmond Devlin from MAD #499, April 2009. Clicky any to embiggen: Here’s the final art. The last panel was rethought from the original roughs: READ MORE