Monday MADness

Monday MADness- Two Defectives!

September 15th, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness

Rather than dig through a bunch of old stuff this week, I though I’d share the rough sketches I did for the recent parody of “True Detective” in MAD #528. Here they are, followed by the final art… clicky any to embiggen: Yes, these roughs were all done digitally using my super-sized Cintiq. Why digital, when I have repeatedly professed my dislike for drawing on the computer? There are a couple of compelling reasons. First, the very fact that I don’t enjoy the tactile sensation of drawing on the screen is a plus. It keeps me from becoming too enamored of the quality of the… READ MORE

Monday MADness- Religious Video Games!

September 8th, 2014 | Posted in MAD Magazine

From MAD #471, Nov 2006, a two page feature called “When Video Games Become Religious” written by Jacob Lambert. The pencil roughs in the layout and the individual final art panels: Clicky to embiggen… Clicky to embiggen… Clicky to embiggen… READ MORE

Monday MADness- When We Went MAD Update!

August 4th, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness

Yes, that’s late MAD publisher Bill Gaines on a moped speeding along the streets of… somewhere. It’s one of several pictures posted on a recent update on the progress of the “When We Went MAD!” documentary that was successfully funded on Kickstarter back in February. Check out the update and lots of other great pictures of the Usual Gang of Idiots on the update posted on their Kickstarter page. …that reminds me, I have to get the art done for the movie poster!!! READ MORE

Monday MADness! MAD about Comic-Con!

July 28th, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness

I’m currently en route back some from sunny San Diego and the big, loud and sweaty frenzy known as San Diego Comic-Con. MAD had a panel last Thursday where editor John Ficarra had the room thoroughly bored waiting for the free swag in stitches with highlights from this past year’s issues of MAD, and the MAD website. They also announced some new book projects, starting with the newest release from their “MAD’s Greatest Artists” series… this one featuring Don Martin! The other big announcement was the start of a new series entitled “MAD’s Greatest Writers”, the first of which will feature Frank Jacobs! Head on… READ MORE

Monday MADness- Jack Black!

July 21st, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness

In honor of the National Cartoonists Society having Jack Black and Kyle Gass of Tenacious D (along with illustrator Luke McGarry) signing autographs at the NCS booth on Thursday at the San Diego Comic-Con, here’s a look at all my art for the parody of “School of Rock” from MAD #438, Feb. 2004: Clicky any to embiggen… READ MORE

Monday MADness- Al Feldstein

July 14th, 2014 | Posted in MAD Magazine

I’m going to do something different today for Monday MADness and send you all via this magic link to the blog of Mark Evanier, to read a terrific piece about the late MAD editor Al Feldstein he wrote this past weekend. Feldstein was the editor of MAD for about 29 years, and Mark’s post really lends some insights into Al’s career and why it was very unique. He talks a lot about some of the things that made Al Feldstein a polarizing figure in MAD history. Some people will tell you Al had nothing to do with the things that made MAD great, that we… READ MORE

Monday MADness- How to Draw Alfred!

July 7th, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness

  Alfred E. Neuman is one of the most recognized pop culture icons in the world. Go figure, but it’s true. MAD didn’t invent him, he’s actually been around since the 1800’s, appearing in ads for children’s dentistry and other products. Maria Reidelbach‘s book “Completely MAD: A History of the Comic Book and Magazine” has a whole chapter on the origin of Alfred, but the bottom line is that nobody really knows for certain when the grinning gap-toothed idiot really first appeared in pop culture. As the story goes, original MAD editor Harvey Kurtzman had seen images of the “What- Me Worry? kid” from old… READ MORE

Monday MADness- The Schiavo Media Circus!

June 30th, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness

This week’s Monday MADness is a peek at a rough sketch for a “MAD 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2005” piece entitled “The Terri Schiavo Media Circus” from MAD #461, January 2006. The original rough above got changed quite a bit by the editors for the final page seen below. This was a rare instance where I incorporated some realistic art in with a MAD piece… there was no other way to handle drawing Terri Schiavo, and if really drives home the pathetic, political maneuvering the media and the ancillary players in this tragedy were guilty of. I was sorry to lose the… READ MORE


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