Monday MADness

Monday MADness- Lost!

June 23rd, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness

This week’s Monday MADness is a look at the complete pencil roughs for MAD‘s parody of the TV show LOST, from MAD #453, May 2005, written by Dick Debartolo (Clicky any to embiggen): And if you are curious, here’s what the final art looked like: READ MORE

Monday MADness: Multiple MAD #1!

June 9th, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness

As promised, here’s the first of seven times I ended up having two different pieces in the same issue of MAD: MAD #463, March 2006: I did the art for the TV parody of “Everyone Hates Chris” written by Arnie Kogen. Here’s the pencil roughs and the final splash page art: Clicky any to embiggen… ¬¨‚Ć I also did the art for a Russ Cooper written feature called “MAD presents iToons” which were gags riffing on the at-the-time Apple ad campaign featuring silhouettes of people dancing around with white iPod earbuds in: READ MORE

Monday MADness: Bazoom Raider!

June 2nd, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness

After the release this weekend of Angelina Jolie‘s new movie “Malificent”, I thought for this week’s Monday MADnessI’d post a look at the art from another film where she had to wear prosthetics… but not horns. Here’s “Lotta Crotch: Bazoom Raider” from MAD #410, October 2001, written by Desmond Devlin. Clicky any to embiggen…     READ MORE

Monday MADness- Traff-eccch!

May 19th, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness

This week’s MADness is from MAD #405’s parody of the Oscar-winning movie “Traffic” entitled “Traff-eccch!” written by Arnie Kogen. This was my very first movie parody for MAD, and the splash page was made up of a series of spot illustrations superimposed over maps of the United States and Mexico. The weird yellow and blue casts to some of the spots were to mimic the color palette of the film, which changed depending on the location of the scene… Mexico was yellow, Washington DC was blue and other scenes were normal color. Back in the early days I did the pages as a series of… READ MORE

Monday MADness- MAD Kids #7!

May 12th, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness

For something a little different, this week is a peek behind the scenes of a cover job I did for the now defunct MAD Kids magazine: MAD art director Sam Viviano warned me that a cover job would be a little different, and he was not kidding. Often when doing feature stuff the editors give the artists a lot of leeway to have fun and add something to the proceedings. They are still very specific about certain things and definitely demand changes when needed, but covers are very different. These are highly scrutinized and the process is reviewed at each step much more closely and… READ MORE

Monday MADness- Celebrity Poker!

May 5th, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness

This week’s Monday MADness is a look at the pencil roughs (and finals) of a feature entitled “A Mad Peek Behind the Scenes at Celebrity Poker Showdown” written by Desmond Devlin, Steve Rosso, David Shayne and John Caldwell from MAD #452, April 2005. Sharp eyed viewers will spot some MAD related characters in the audience. Clicky any to embiggen…   READ MORE

Monday MADness- Pimp my Ride!

April 28th, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness

This weeks Monday MADness is another rare find… examples of my final pencils pre-inking on the original art boards. Usually I don’t bother to scan the final pencils since I am already past the approval stage with the guys at MAD, so it’s rare for me to have done so. Apparently I did for the first three pages of “Dump My Ride” from MAD #456, August 2005. Oddly the last page I only have the rough scan for. This is one of only two parodies I have done the art for written by MAD‘s own Dave Croatto, who is also an editor on the magazine… READ MORE

Monday MADness- Slobbit 2 Sneak Peek

April 21st, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness

Clicky to embiggen… As promised, here’s a look at some of the art from the Desmond Devlin scripted parody of “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug”, now appearing in MAD #527 on news stands everywhere! Clicky this one to embiggen… Want to know what all the jokes that go into those empty boxes are? Then go buy a copy of the fershlugginer magazine, clod! READ MORE


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