Monday MADness
February 3rd, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness
Apparently the 2014 NASCAR season starts this month… I don’t know for sure because I couldn’t care less about NASCAR. However, that doesn’t mean I can’t make fun of it, which is exactly what Desmond Devlin and I did in MAD #427 back in March 2003 with “Mad’s Proposed Rule Changes for the Upcoming NASCAR Season”. Here’s the final art for that two page feature (clicky any to embiggen): And here’s a little bonus. Especially way back in my earliest days with MAD, art director Sam Viviano would often send me what he called “doodles” along with the print layouts to set up the art… READ MORE
January 27th, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness
For this week’s Monday MADness I actually discovered something I didn’t even know I had… full sized scans of the final pencils for a complete movie parody… this one being “Spider-Sham Too” from MAD #446, October 2004. Several people have asked me how rough my “roughs” really are compared to my final pencils. Usually I scan in the pencil roughs that I do at print size on the actual layout pages for MAD to review, and don’t bother scanning in the final pencils before inking, so I can’t show them as examples. I am not sure why I did it this way for this parody,… READ MORE
January 20th, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness
Last week I posted about some unique advertising inserts MAD did back in 2007 and 2008, which I did some artwork for. The first one was for Ballpark Franks in MAD #480. The second and last was in MAD #486 (and other DC Comics titles that same month). This was was not promoting a product, but rather a comedy troupe called The Whitest Kids U Know. The “WKUK” had a sketch comedy television show on the FUSE Network in 2007, which had moved to the Independent Film Channel for season two and beyond until 2011. IFC is uncensored so, unlike on FUSE, their sketches aired… READ MORE
January 13th, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness
Back in 2001, much to the chagrin of many long-time fans, MAD began running advertisements in the magazine. Economic realities had to be faced, and the MAD team felt the magazine needed to be updated to color and better paper if they were to interest young readers. They needed revenues to do that and ads were the simplest solution. The concerns people had that MAD‘s ability to be impartial in it’s skewering of corporate America were proven to be unfounded… they went on doing what they’d always done with the same gleeful zeal no matter who was paying to put an ad in the magazine.… READ MORE
January 6th, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness
In honor of the end of the football season…well, as a Green Bay Packer fan it’s over for me anyway…here’s a real blast from the past. The following are spot illustrations I did for MAD‘s long-defunct weekly original web feature “MADness of the Week“. This one was from an article on Fantasy Football, circa 2000. The text from the piece is long gone, but the gags are pretty self evident: READ MORE
December 30th, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness
Now that he’s done being the governor of California and (presumably) knocking up the domestic staff, Arnold Schwarzenegger is “bahk” doing action movies at age 66 including a reboot of the “Terminator” franchise in 2015. Here’s a look back at his last turn (not counting a CGI Arnie in “Terminator: Salvation”) as the cyborg killing machine from MAD‘s parody of “Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines” entitled “Interminable 3: Rise of the Bad Scenes”, MAD #432, August 2003. Writer: Dick DeBartolo. Pencil roughs and finished art… clicky any image to embiggen: Actually the above is the finished pencil, not really a rough. I must have… READ MORE
December 23rd, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness
This week’s Monday MADness features a few panels from “MAD‘s Inside Scoop On This Year’s Stupidest Holiday Movies” written by Desmond Devlin and Scott Maiko in MAD #459, Nov. 2005 (clicky any image to embiggen): King Kong Tom Cruise‘s lunatic couch-bouncing Oprah appearance was used by computer animators as a basis for one of Kong’s rampages. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire To save time in make-up, Daniel Radcliff agreed to let the famous lightning blot scar be permanently seared into his forehead with a red hot linoleum knife, having made peace with the notion that he will never be known for anything other… READ MORE
December 16th, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness
The guys at MAD sent me a surprise the other day (it wasn’t a check… that really would have been a surprise). It was this hardcover Superman special printed, and presumably being sold in, France, with my cover illustration: Clicky to embiggen… The inside contains mostly the same material as the MAD Presents Superman magazine special of this past summer, including my parody of Superman Returns. Everything is of course translated into French. It’s hard to scan the interior of a hardcover, but here is one of my pages translated: Sadly, it’s no funnier in French. MAD actually has a long tradition of not only… READ MORE