Monday MADness

Monday MADness!- On the Stands: MAD #525

December 9th, 2013 | Posted in MAD Magazine

On news stands everywhere on Dec. 17th, in comic book shops this week, in some lucky subscriber’s mailboxes already and available digitally immediately via the MAD iPad app: MAD # 525 (February 2014) Cover (Mark Fredrickson) The Fundalini Pages (Jeff Kruse, Aton Emdin, Rick Tulka, Bob Eckstein, Matt Lassen, Justin Peterson, Kevin Pope, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Desmond Devlin, Tom Bunk, Bob Staake, Steven Weissman, Stan Sinberg, John Kerschbaum) The Swallowing (Arnie Kogen, Tom Richmond) Spy vs Spy (Peter Kuper) Planet Tad!!!!! (Writer: Tim Carvell) The MAD 20- The Dumbest People, Events, and Things of 2013 The Dysfunctional U.S. Congress (Jay Rath, Tom Richmond) The Boston… READ MORE

Monday MADness: Happy Birthday Jack Davis!

December 2nd, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness

The great Jack Davis is 89 years old today! This from a post here in 2006: Any conversation about the greatest and most influential cartoonists of the last half century must, at some point, include the name Jack Davis. From the notorious E.C. horror comics of the 1950?s to MAD Magazine to TIME and TV Guide covers, record covers, movie posters, advertising, animation design and even US postage stamps, Davis’s art has entertained, amazed and inspired generations. John Burton “Jack” Davis Jr. was born in Atlanta, GA on December 2nd, 1924. An incurable doodler, the young Jack Davis drew on textbooks, writing tablets and anything… READ MORE

Monday MADness- The Hunger Games!

November 25th, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness

In honor of the opening of the latest “Hunger Games” film, here’ a look at 2012’s parody of the first movie. As always, clicky images to embiggen. The writer of the parody was Desmond Devlin. First pencil rough Above is the first pencil rough of the splash. This was a complex splash, because all the word boxes were being spoken by one person (Stanley Tucci’s host character “Cesear Flickerman”), there were a LOT of word boxes, necessitating three rows, and most of them described a character that needed to be near the box that describes them. So, I did something I seldom do . .… READ MORE

Monday MADness- The Wizard of O!

November 18th, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness

I just got back from the Ohio State Festival of Cartooning, where they officially opened the fantastic new Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum… I’ll write a little synopsis of this tomorrow. I was very flattered and privileged to have a couple of pieces in the opening exhibit, as part of a smaller area dedicated to caricature. The two originals were part of a full parody (including pencil roughs) I donated to the library entitled “The Wizard of O”, written by Desmond Devlin and appearing in MAD #505, Oct 2010. Here are the never-before-seen inks and pencil roughs from that job, plus the finals of… READ MORE

New Dave Berg Book Released!

November 12th, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness

Last Tuesday MAD released the latest in their “MAD’s Greatest Artist’s” series- Dave Berg: Five Decades of The Lighter Side Of…¬¨‚ĆAs the title suggests it’s a collection of the best of Dave Berg featuring not only hundreds of examples of the best of “The Lighter Side of…” organized by decade, but also early work that is amazingly diverse in style and execution, book covers, some features he did the writing only on from the brief MAD Kids spinoff, some rare pencil roughs, gag photo ads he appeared in, lots of rare pictures and other fun stuff. It also features a fabulous foreword and portrait of… READ MORE

Monday MADness- MAD’s 100th Episode!

November 11th, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness

The 100th episode of “MAD” airs tonight on the Cartoon Network at 8:30 pm / 7:30 pm central time, and they are celebrating with a double-sized episode. This is quite an accomplishment considering it’s only in its 4th season. The show never ceases to amaze me in that is seems to get some very timely gags and humor onscreen despite the enormous time-consuming challenges of it being an animated show. Congratulations to Kevin Schinick, Mark Marek, Peter Giradi and all the talented, funny folks behind the show! I am proud to be a small part of the effort. If you catch tonight’s episode, you’ll see… READ MORE

Monday MADness- Inside MAD!

October 28th, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness

Tomorrow is the official release of MAD‘s follow-up of last year’s big Totally MAD book, entitled Inside MAD. Bad timing, since it’s being released on a Tuesday and it would be much more convenient for me if they released it today on a Monday, so I could post the art I did for it as well as reveal my choice for my favorite all-time MAD article here on “Monday MADness”. I’ll have to talk with the MAD guys about that… Anyway, in this new book they asked the Usual Gang of Idiots what their all-time favorite MAD article was, and then made us explain why.… READ MORE

Monday MADness- On the Stands: MAD #524

October 21st, 2013 | Posted in MAD Magazine

In comic book shops, on the iPad and in subscribers mailboxes now, on news stands everywhere tomorrow: MAD # 524 (December 2013) Cover (Mark Fredrickson) The Fundalini Pages (Kenny Keil, Evan Dorkin and Sarah Dyer, Matt Lassen, Jay Ruttenberg, Tim Haggerty, Jeff Kruse, Sergio Aragon?¬©s and Tom Luth, Rich Powell, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Desmond Devlin, Anton Emdin, Alison Grambs, Dick DeBartolo, Ward Sutton, Maria Scrivan, Bob Eckstein, Rick Tulka, J.C. Duffy, Kevin Pope) Salinger: A Fundalini Movie Review (Desmond Devlin (2nd article)) Man of Veal (A MAD Movie Satire) (Desmond Devlin (again??), Tom Richmond) Unadvertised Fast Food “Secret Menu” Offerings (Scott Maiko, Mike Loew) Zingers… READ MORE


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