Monday MADness

Monday MADness!- Animated MAD!

October 14th, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness

I came across a few videos on Youtube of some of the segments of the MAD Cartoon Network show I’ve worked on the past few seasons… the “Parks and Rec” one of these is just a clip with ads starting out: [youtube][/youtube] uGlee [youtube][/youtube] Jurassic Parks and Recreation [youtube][/youtube] CSiCarly (this was the first one I did for them) READ MORE

Monday MADness!- The Sopranos!

October 7th, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness

Usually I don’t scan my final pencils in prior to inking, so most of the “pencils” I post here are actually the pencil roughs for a given job. The roguhs are what I would send to MAD for their review, but the final pencils would be the drawing I do on the actual boards, over which i ink and then erase the underlying pencils. This, however, is an example of the final pencils on a piece I did for MAD #422, October 2002 called “A Mad Peek Behind the Scenes on the Set of The Sopranos“. Fllowing are the inks and then the final color… READ MORE

Monday MADness!

September 30th, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness

Occasionally this feature will have some info on what’s new at MAD… like this week! MAD keeps slowly entering the digital age with their iPad app by adding more and more of their classic issues for purchase and download. Last week they announced all the issues from 1969 were now available digitally. I’m not sure how they choose which years to add in… maybe they have a bunch of homeless guys from Times Square turning in the stuff they find in the alleyways in exchange for liquor and just going with what they get. Anyway, you can now get the following back issues on the… READ MORE

Monday MADness!

September 23rd, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness

Occasionally MAD asks me to step outside the box and do something that is very different from my usual style of art. In honor of Apple’s release of iOS 7 last week, here is some art from one of those assignments. This appeared in MAD #463, March 2006 and was written by Russ Cooper (clicky on some to embiggen…): Above are the pencil sketches. I did them separately and then scanned and placed them in the color layout, and erased out the white so the editors would get a feel for the look. Here are the finals: READ MORE

Monday MADness- Conan!

September 16th, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness

Seems like a long time since I’ve done one of these… every (supposedly) Monday I try and post some MAD related art or tid-bit no one has seen on the blog before. Sometimes it’s all the pencil roughs from a project, or something behind-the-scenes, or just some cool thing MAD has got going, like a book project or some such. Today’s Monday MADness is something that demonstrates I am either losing my mind or have been in this business too long. It’s a caricature of TV talk show host Conan O’Brien I did for MAD back in 2010… my apologies for the LONG post: The… READ MORE

Monday MADness

August 26th, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness

In honor of my 100th appearance in MAD this latest issue, today’s Monday MADness is a look at my very first appearance in MAD from issue #399, November 2000: Clicky to embiggen… The article was called “Gadgets to REALLY Make Home Theater Like Going to The Movies”, written by Dick DeBartolo. It was on the newsstands in October of 2000. READ MORE

Monday MADness- The Slobbit

July 29th, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness

I can finally share a sneak peek of “The Slobbit” from MAD #522. The above splash is not the actual splash from the magazine but my art with the layout text boxes and copy pasted in… the guys at MAD were too busy producing a magazine to get me a JPEG of the final pages. Due to the odd nature of the splash with the map and overlaying insets I didn’t do the inked text boxes, but rather assembled the whole thing digitally and submitted “full art” as they call it. MAD did the text boxes on the final, although I did it the usual… READ MORE

Monday MADness- Glee!

July 15th, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness

Sad to hear of “Glee” actor Cory Monteith‘s death this weekend. The Lovely Anna and my kids loved “Glee” back in its first few seasons… in fact I drew The Dramatic Victoria, the Effervescent Gabrielle and Number One Son Thomas into the splash page I did for the MAD parody of “Glee” in MAD #506 (Gabrielle and Tom on far left, top of stairs, Victoria with book to right of Jane Lynch): Clicky to embiggen any of these images… In honor of Cory, here are the rough pencil sketches and final art for that MAD parody:   READ MORE


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