Monday MADness
July 8th, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness
This week I’m sharing a peek at a piece I did waaaaay back in MAD #416, April 2002. It was called “Their Team & Your Team”, written by J. Prete. The first image below is not the final spread but the original layout with my art dropped in… the actual piece had some minor changes to the copy… like actual credits for the writer and I. This was one of only four features I did for MAD that were in black and white, and one of only two I was assigned to do in black and white AFTER the magazine switched to full color permanently.… READ MORE
July 1st, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness
In honor of the sixth season of “Mad Men” just finishing up recently, here are assorted pencil roughs, final pencils, inks, close ups and full pages from the parody of the show from MAD #508, written by Arnie Kogen. Many of these images are in my book, where I break down the entire process of doing a MAD parody with respect to caricature. Clicky to embiggen any of the full pages: The pencil rough with some notes from the book… Close up of final pencil detail Close up of inked detail Close up of final art detail Final art full page Page 3 rough Page… READ MORE
June 24th, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness
I thought as long as I revisited two of the three James Gandolfini pieces I did for MAD, I might as well show a little of the other one as well. Here’s the splash and some close-ups/panels from MAD #482’s “America’s Next Top Mobster”, a mash-up of “The Sopranos” and, uh…. well, every crappy “pretending to look for the next top something” reality TV show, written by Desmond Devlin: Clicky to Embiggen… READ MORE
June 17th, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness
Clicky to embiggen… I finally got permission to be able to post a peek at the art I did for MAD #521 for the article entitled “Casebook: Spyfail- The Battle of the Bonds”, written by Desmond Devlin. It took a little longer this time because the exclusive first sneak peek at the article was promised to another website, who didn’t bother to run it, so I had to either wait until they did run it or until enough time had passed that it didn’t matter. This was a fun project in that I got to draw all the actors who have played Bond throughout the… READ MORE
June 10th, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness
This week’s Monday MADness features the pencil roughs and a couple of the final panels from an article called “Is Our World Really All That Different From The Matrix?” written by Greg Leitman from MAD #436, Dec. 2003 (clicky any to embiggen): The gag got changed a bit from the original pencil rough on the Britney/Madonna panel . . . ewww. READ MORE
June 3rd, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness
I had a rare chance to do some cover art for a MAD publication recently, one of a couple of really cool “side” projects I did for the UGOIs this spring. This is the cover for MAD Presents Superman #1, which has a newsstand date of June 12th but is probably hitting comic book stores right about now. The cover is on the MAD website, so I can share it now. I did this at the very end of March, and what sucks is at the time there was very little in the way of references of Superman’s new look/outfit. You could see there was… READ MORE
May 20th, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness
This week’s Monday MADness is another blast from the past… this time from MAD #400, December 2000. This was my second appearance in the magazine, and I was assigned the job of doing fake covers from each decade that MAD was in existence for an article entitles “The Untold History of MAD“. These printed really small in the article, so here they are about actual art size. The 1950’s The 1960’s The 1970’s The 1980’s The 1990’s These were described as a double cover issue printed the morning after Yelsin’s attempted coup of Russia, done is the manner of the Nixon/Kennedy double cover for MAD… READ MORE
May 13th, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness
This weeks Monday MADness is not something of mine but a link to a classic MAD piece originally run in MAD #80, June 1963. Just click on the image below to go to a website called “Letters of Note” for the complete article, which is genius. So, why am I doing this for “Monday MADness” this week, as opposed to posting some old piece of mine or some pencil roughs or something? My reasons: Long term thinking: I’ve only been in about 100 issues of MAD. Doing the math and factoring in there will be an additional 12 issues out over that time, plus about… READ MORE