Monday MADness

Monday MADness!

May 6th, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness

This week’s Monday MADness is a peek behind the scenes of a piece I did for MAD #467 (July 2006) called “Rejected Characters from Cars” written by Jacob Lambert. The premise was a collection of characters from the Pixar film Cars (Cars 2 was about to come out, I think) that were deemed “not marketable enough” to be included in the movie. The scene was a used car lot and I was supposed to mimic the Pixar look for the cars. As I was hand painting them (okay, digitally hand painting, but still using a brush tool) I could only get so close to that… READ MORE

Monday MADness!

April 29th, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness

I occasionally get the question “What was the first piece you ever did for MAD“? which is not an easy one to answer. The full story is here, but the quick answer is a feature piece called “MAD‘s Cable TV Viewing Odds”, which I was assigned in June of 2000 but did not actually see print until MAD #406, June 2001. In between my doing that job and it seeing print I did several pieces for the MAD website and five jobs for the magazine including my first two TV/movie parodies. I recently ran across a dusty DVD with some old jobs archived, including that… READ MORE

Monday MADness

April 22nd, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness

This week’s Monday MADness isn’t actually from a piece I did in MAD but one from the now-defunct MAD Kids. Some people questioned why a magazine that was supposedly already aimed at kids would do a “Kids” version as well. MAD itself is not aimed at kids…it’s not aimed at any demographic, really. That said, if I was forced to name a demographic I’d say 13-17 years-olds, with plenty of stuff thrown in for both adults and younger kids as well. MAD Kids was squarely for the 8-12 year old set, in the same mould as Nickelodeon magazine used to be. It was a fun… READ MORE

Monday MADness!

April 15th, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness

This week’s Monday MADness is a peek behind the scenes of a past job I did for MAD… the entire feature’s pencil roughs for the parody of “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1” that appeared in MAD # 507 , written by Desmond Devlin. Clicky and to embiggen: Here’s what the final splash looked like: READ MORE

Monday MADness- MAD MEN

April 8th, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness

Yesterday was the season premier of AMC’s “MAD MEN” (which I didn’t watch because I was working on a deadline), so this week’s “Monday MADness” is my art to MAD‘s parody of the show from MAD #508, written by Arnie Kogen (clicky on any to embiggen): READ MORE

Monday MADness!

April 1st, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness

Welcome to a new feature here on Tom’s MAD Blog called “Monday MADness”. This will be a weekly (duh) post to break up your usual Monday doldrums with something (hopefully) funny having to do with MAD Magazine. It might be something I did for them from some past issue, some news or something new, a “behind the scenes” story or a link to something they have up over on their website. It may be my only post for the day or I may do a more usual post as well. Regardless, this is the inaugural Monday MADness (cue sound of crickets chirping in the dead… READ MORE


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