On the Drawing Board

On the Drawing Board- 10/28/08

October 28th, 2008 | Posted in On the Drawing Board

Just a few jobs going right now. I’m just getting into the final work on my part of the “MAD 20”, AKA “MAD’s 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2008”. It should come as no surprise that one of the subjects of this year’s “MAD 20” is the credit crisis, and that is indeed the subject of my piece. Sorry I can’t share more. Here’s a step by step image gallery of the workplace poster I finished up yesterday. It’s nice that the client I do these for does not mind that I share the final artwork as soon as it’s done. I often… READ MORE

On the Drawing Board- 9/16/08

September 16th, 2008 | Posted in On the Drawing Board

For the first time in I cannot remember how long, I have no paying work on the board. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Oh, I have a few long promised personal projects to get to, but nothing with a deadline or a paycheck on the other end. Ah well… Here’s a poster job I wrapped up recently. Pencil sketch, inks and color: Initial pencil sketch Final Inks Notice that Santa has changed a bit between the sketch and the final. It was decided Santa needed to look less like he was responding “so what?” to being reminded of his garbage duties and look more sheepish and apologetic.… READ MORE

On the Drawing Board- 9/9/08

September 9th, 2008 | Posted in On the Drawing Board

With that big MAD job wrapped up the only things on the drawing board right now are a workplace poster job and some revisions to the on-line gaming project. I do have a few personal art projects that need some attention, so this will be a good time to get those wrapped up. In the meantime, here’s a project I worked on last spring that is probably not going to be produced now (too late for that) and I think is safe then to share with readers. It was a product illustration job for a company that was going to manufacture these fake food cans… READ MORE

The End of the Never Ending Project…

August 30th, 2008 | Posted in On the Drawing Board

Whew… No matter how much I try and guard against it, every once and a while a freelance job “get’s away from you” and ends up being 10 times the amount of work you thought it would be. I just finished such a project tonight that has been on my board, at various stages of concepts, pencils, approvals, revisions, reviews and finals for about 4 months. It didn’t seem like such a big job when I took it on, but it ballooned into a lot of work. Fortunately the clients were very patient, and were willing to adjust my compensation when it became apparent the… READ MORE

On the Drawing Board- 8/25/08

August 25th, 2008 | Posted in On the Drawing Board

After finally putting to bed several ongoing projects last week and this weekend, the only thing currently on the board is a pretty big MAD job, which is more than enough for the next two weeks. Just for something to look at, here is my latest “workplace poster” job- pencils, inks and final color: Click for a closer look… In the initial pencils there was a lot going on. The client wanted four servers in tuxedos, race/gender specific serving Thanksgiving dinner to a family of turkey farmers. The catch is, of course, they are serving anything but turkey. I needed to show it was: A.)… READ MORE

On the Drawing Board- 8/15/08

August 15th, 2008 | Posted in On the Drawing Board

Several projects ongoing- including the latest for MAD. Here is a look at a quick job I did a week or two ago for Scholastic about the end of Socrates: Initial Pencil Rough Final- Click for a closer look Spot illustration Another 1/2 page image- click for a closer look READ MORE

On the Drawing Board- 8/4/08

August 4th, 2008 | Posted in On the Drawing Board

Currently taking up all my time on the drawing board: MAD Project– Movie parody. I don’t want to give it away as it’s top secret so I am afraid I’ll have to keep everyone in The Dark. Night life will be a luxury I cannot afford for a while, however. 🙂 On Line Game Project– Finishing the last of the character avatars this week. Hopefully it will be on-line soon and I can share the URL. Scholastic job– Three illustrations for one of the Scholastic publications based on Socrates. Stuck in review right now. Workplace poster– Regular job from that client. Speaking of which, here’s… READ MORE

On The Drawing Board- 7/17/08

July 17th, 2008 | Posted in On the Drawing Board

Oddly quiet on the freelance front right now, with just a few projects in the works… one that I can share at this time. Gaming Website Images- On the final images for this job right now… it’s been a long road. One multiple layered/partially animated gaming environment, game play objects and element, sixteen different player avatars in multiple poses. Hopefully this game will go online soon and I can see it all in action. Workplace poster- my usual assignment Super Capers- wrapping up the 14 ‘turnaround’ character images. School Library Journal- This was a last second job with a tight deadline that I recently completed,… READ MORE


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