Sketch O’The Week
April 12th, 2023 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Gaaaah-lee! Just when I was thinking I’d run out of shows I actually watched after school as a kid, I remembered this one. “Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C.” was, of course, a spin-off of “The Andy Griffith Show” featuring the Mayberry NC gas station attendant turned Marine “corpse” recruit Gomer Pyle played by Jim Nabors, My caricature also features the often exasperated drill instructor Sgt. Carter, played by Frank Sutton. This show wasn’t syndicated as often as some at that time, so I only caught it occasionally when it did run. One thing I always wondered about… was “Gomer” his actual name, or a nickname? For all I knew,… READ MORE
April 5th, 2023 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
I have mostly run out of TV shows I actually watched as a kid after school, but I’m having too much fun doing caricatures from old TV sitcoms, … so why stop now! This week’s sketch is by far the most requested from readers- Phil Silvers! I wanted to do more of the cast but elected to just draw Silvers, the incredibly goofy and funny Pvt. Doberman (Maurice Gosfield) and the eternally put-upon commanding officer Col. John T. Hall (Paul Ford). I admit I never watched “The Phil Silvers Show” as a kid, probably because it was just never syndicated on my local stations during the… READ MORE
March 29th, 2023 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Strictly speaking “Batman” was never shown in an after school time slot, but it was a show from that same time period of the late 60’s that didn’t just entertain me, but had a major impact on my entire life. That is no exaggeration! I credit the “Batman” TV show for sending me down the path that ended up with my having a career as a cartoonist. Our sketch this week is of Adam West and Burt Ward in their titular roles as the Dynamic Duo. I was drawn to the “Batman” tv show as a very young kid… I’m talking two years old. When I heard the opening… READ MORE
March 22nd, 2023 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Time for another episode of our “TV shows Tom watched as a kid after school” sketch series. This one is kind of odd because it really doesn’t fit with the type of shows I normally watched after school. I was more into the goofy sitcoms with wacky premises like a witch housewife, an astronaut with a genie, a family of monsters, and, of course, World War II prisoners of war. There was just something about this show that kept me from changing the channel… maybe it was the mesmerizing spinning jewel effect opening credits. Anyway our sketch this week id the cast of “Family Affair”… READ MORE
March 15th, 2023 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Are you getting tired of our “TV shows Tom watched as a kid after school” sketch series yet? Well, I am running out of shows I actually watched! This week’s sketch features one of the shows I absolutely loved watching after raiding the fridge after school. “The Munsters” only ran for two seasons in 64-66, but was endlessly syndicated by the mid-70’s and often ran in the afternoons on one of my local stations. Since it was produced by Universal Studios they had the rights to the copyrighted Universal Monsters makeup, including the original iconic version of Frankenstein’s Monster made famous by Boris Karloff in “Frankenstein” in… READ MORE
March 8th, 2023 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
In a rare break from the usual, this original sketch is still available in the Studio Store! It’s another sketch from our quickly getting old series “TV shows Tom watched as a kid after school”. This week features Bill Bixby and Ray Walston from the 1963-66 sitcom “My Favorite Martian”. There was a period of time where this show was on every day at the exit time I got home from school, and I saw a lot of episodes… although I don’t remember any of the later full color ones. I sort of categorized this show with “I Dream of Jeannie” and “Bewitched”, since there… READ MORE
March 1st, 2023 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
You’ll twitch your nose at this, but it’s time for another “Sketch o’the Week” in the distinctly unmagical series known as “TV shows Tom watched after school as a kid”. This week we should burn at the stake for our sketch of the stars of the 1960-70’s sitcom “Bewitched”, Elizabeth Montgomery, Dick York and Dick Sargent! This show has more Dicks in it than Brett Farve‘s text archives! This was one of my favorite after-school reruns to watch as a kid. One of the two “magical” sitcoms (along with “I Dream of Jeannie”), “Bewitched” had a different spin on the “supernatural character in the real world” concept. Unlike IDoJ,… READ MORE
February 22nd, 2023 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Here’s another one for the “Sketch o’the Week” series “TV shows Tom watched after school as a kid”. This week we weigh anchor with a sketch of three of the main characters from “McHale’s Navy”, Ernest Borgnine, Tim Conway and Joe Flynn! This show was one that wasn’t in syndication as much as some others in my area, so I didn’t see it a lot. For a year or so it was on pretty regularly and I was interested in it not so much for the humor and stories as I was fascinated by Tim Conway being in it. My parents loved “The Carol Burnett Show” and I… READ MORE