Sketch o’the Week- Spencer Tracy!
`I’ll have to resort to a flashback SotW again this week… this is one of legendary actor Spencer Tracy I originally did in 2008. I added the grays when I included it as a spot illustration in my book. READ MORE
`I’ll have to resort to a flashback SotW again this week… this is one of legendary actor Spencer Tracy I originally did in 2008. I added the grays when I included it as a spot illustration in my book. READ MORE
No time for a proper Sketch o’the Week today so I’m digging into the archives for this watercolor sketch of Matt Damon. READ MORE
I’m under the gun with work today so no time for a sketch. Here’s an old one from 2006 of TV show “Heroes” star Hayden Panettiere. I added the grays in with the pencils for inclusion in The Mad Art of Caricature. It’s hard to believe that show was almost 15 years ago now. READ MORE
Kind of a sourpuss Robert De Niro for this week’s sketch, original available in the Studio Store. I used the same reference for the one I did of him in MAD #11, but I thought it would be nice to do one without the puke coming out of his mouth. I haven’t seen “The Irishman” yet, but it’s on my list. READ MORE
This week’s SowW is the thirteenth Doctor herself, Jodie Whittaker! The original is already sold. Yes, this matches the size/format of the Doctors from my “The Doctor Makes House Calls” print, but don’t buy one of those right now! Look for an announcement on Friday! READ MORE
I’m reposting this old sketch of Neil Young because it appears in a new book called “Neil Young– Art of Gold” compiled by Herman Verbeke and published by Witsand Publishers of Belgium. It’s a wonderful collection of artistic depictions of the legendary musician that includes paintings, drawings, sketches, cartoons in both portrait and caricature form. Looks like you can only get it via the publisher directly or through READ MORE
I did this quick sketch of Mike Myers for a presentation I am doing today. More on that later. READ MORE
This is a pencil sketch like most of my other SotW drawings, but I could not resist adding the blue hair after scanning it in… it’s just not Billie Eilish without the blue. Oh yeah, the original (sans blue) is in the Studio Store. READ MORE
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