Sketch O’The Week
November 29th, 2023 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Drawing to drawing, up and down the dial! We continue our classic sitcom series, 1970’s era, with one I’ve been saving to do until Thanksgiving. Here’s the cast of “WKRP in Cincinnati”… Top: Gordon Jump, Gary Sandy, Frank Bonner, Tim Reid, Bottom: Jan Smithers, Richard Sanders, Howard Hessman and Loni Anderson. “WKRP In Cincinnati” was one of those shows that combined great writing and a prefect cast to create something really special. It only lasted four four season, mostly thanks to CBS’s stupidity in moving it around different times lots and putting it in a “family friendly” time which did not allow for the kind of humor its characters… READ MORE
November 22nd, 2023 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Today marks the 60th anniversary of the assassination of U.S. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, so I thought I’d share some JFK caricatures and art I’ve done over the years. The above sketch was part of a series I did in 2015 of all the U.S. Presidents. What did I do them for, you ask? As part of a centerpiece arrangement for the 2015 National Cartoonists Society Reuben Award Banquet, held that year in Washington DC. It was my final Reubens as NCS president, and The Lovely Anna did the centerpieces. She popped her head into my studio one day and said “I need you to… READ MORE
November 15th, 2023 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Those were the days! If one had to pick a U.S. sitcom that was the most groundbreaking, daring, and yet hugely successful of all, “All in the Family” would be at or near the top of every list. Norman Lear‘s masterpiece of a show addressed subjects that the formerly staunchly uptight American audiences would never have dreamed they’d see on network TV: racism, homosexuality, rape, abortion, the Vietnam war, Women’s Lib, impotence, and so many more social and personal issues. It was a truly revolutionary show in this country. My sketch features the main cast, Jean Stapleton, Carroll O’Connor, Rob Reiner and Sally Struthers. This show was one of… READ MORE
November 8th, 2023 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Nanu Nanu! It’s Wednesday, and that means it’s time for our “Sketch o’the Week”! Shazbot! We continue our “classic TV sitcoms” series, now in the 1970s, with “Mork and Mindy” debuted in May of 1979, so it BARELY qualifies as a 70’s sitcom. However it was one of my favorite shows as a teenager and I get to draw whatever the hell I want for these weekly sketches, so here’s Robin Williams and Pam Dawber as the titular characters. “Mork and Mindy” was a spin-off of “Happy Days”, after a single episode featured Williams as Mork, an alien who planned to abduct Richie but was stopped by Fonzie. The… READ MORE
November 1st, 2023 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
The caricatures are hers and hers and his this week as we return to having a BRAND NEW “Sketch o’the Week” every Wednesday! We are also continuing our classic sitcom cast series which, if you recall, was on to the 1970’s. With the passing of Suzanne Somers last week I had to draw the original cast of “Three’s Company”, a sitcom which started in the late 70’s and went into the early 80s. Pictured are Somers, John Ritter, Norman Fell, Audra Lindley and Joyce DeWitt. Ms. Somers ended up getting written off the show in the 5th season because she demanded equal pay with male star Ritter, but thanks to… READ MORE
October 25th, 2023 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
In honor of the upcoming holiday, here’s a bunch of spooky Halloween themed sketches from past “Sketch o’the Week” posts. We resume our regular SotW and the classic sitcom cast series next Wednesday! READ MORE
September 6th, 2023 | Posted in MAD Magazine
For the “Sketch of the Week” this week I’m sharing some caricatures I did for the upcoming documentary film “When We Went MAD”. A lot of people were interviewed for the documentary, or footage of them was being used, and a number of MAD artists were asked to do caricatures of the interviewees. There are the five people I was assigned (everyone did one of Bill Gaines). READ MORE
August 30th, 2023 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
This sketch of Ernest Borgnine, Tim Conway and Joe Flynn from “McHale’s Navy” got a new life a couple of weeks ago when the author of an upcoming book about the history of that show emailed me and asked about using the art on the book’s cover. I did not think a pencil sketch was appropriate for a book cover, so we settled on a price for use of the image and for me to add gray washes to the drawing so it had more of a finished look. This will be on the cover of a “McHale’s Navy” book coming out sometime later this year. READ MORE