Sketch O’The Week
May 23rd, 2012 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Our Sketch o’the Week subject this week is singer/songwriter/entertainer Bruno Mars. My youngest daughter, The Effervescent Gabrielle, was one of the leads singing his hit “Marry You” in Eastview High School’s “Bravo 2012”. Bravo is an annual variety show the school puts on, and it’s an amazing production as Eastview HS is one of the premier showcases of musical performance talent in the state. Number One Son Thomas was also in the show, and filled in with a solo of Wicked’s “Dancing Through Life” when one of the other kids had to miss a few performances. . . Yes, I am a proud father. READ MORE
May 16th, 2012 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Clicky to embiggen . . . A year or so ago I attempted to take my pal Stephen Silver‘s online animated character design class. Steve is an awesome artist and a great teacher, but I don’t know what I was thinking when I enrolled because in typical fashion I got swamped with work and had to give up on the class. Anyway I was clearing out some old sketches from the flat files today and ran across these from one of the lessons. We were supposed to do a (more or less) realistic character sketch of this model, then do three different takes on his… READ MORE
May 9th, 2012 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Have to cheat on the SotW this week as I am too busy with deadlines to do anything new. Thus, here is a small portion of the pencil sketch of a much bigger piece I did last month for a special project that will remain unnamed until such time as it’s released. READ MORE
May 2nd, 2012 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
This week’s sketch is a study of tough-guy actor Stephen Lang, currently formerly starring in the TV series Terra Nova, but might be most famous to the general public for playing the bad-ass Colonel in Avatar. Of course, who could forget his turn as Khalar Zym in last year’s Conan the Barbarian? . . . oh, yeah, EVERYBODY has hopefully forgotten everything about that dreadful movie. I hope I can be in that good a shape when I am 60. READ MORE
April 25th, 2012 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Okay, so it’s not really a “sketch” per se, but rather a theme park example I did on my trip to my park in New England of The Avengers star Robert Downey Jr. Bear in mind that the purpose of an example like this is to demonstrate the results of our live caricature techniques, so the drawing and painting reflect that quick, totally freehand live style. READ MORE
April 18th, 2012 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
After hearing of his passing away, I had to do this quick study of TV icon Dick Clark for today’s Sketch o’the Week. I’m sure the tributes will be endless in the next week or two . . . the man worked with everyone in show business at one time or another, and was universally liked. Rest in Peace, Mr. Clark. READ MORE
April 11th, 2012 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
And now for something completely different . . . a dog. It is quite possible to caricature animals. In fact, animals have a lot of personality and expression which can be a lot of fun to capture. You need only look at some of the great Disney and other studio’s animation of animal characters to see that. The first sketch is a fairly straight drawing of a miniature pincher, with just a little bit of exaggeration. The second exaggerates a lot more. READ MORE
April 4th, 2012 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Quick warm-up sketch of The Hunger Games star Jennifer Lawrence. She looks very different in her role in this film than in other films. She obviously had lost some weight as her character is… well… HUNGRY a lot. She has these amazing cheekbones and smoky, sleepy eyes, but her face is very round with a tendency toward a baby fat look. READ MORE