Sketch O’The Week
September 7th, 2011 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Kind of busy again this week so I am going to post another of the more finished sketches I did for my “Secret Agent Man” print. This one is of the most recent actor to play James Bond in the movies, Daniel Craig. In the print, I decided to lose the dripping blood and the pain “stars” because I thought that was a little too much. I’ve been asked why I made Craig look so beat up. I think the answer should be obvious. While all the movie Bonds occasionally took a beating, Craig is one of the few who actually ended up looking like… READ MORE
August 31st, 2011 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Getting back to sketches that have nothing to do with the book, here’s a fresh one. Subject: the dreamy Ryan Reynolds. Bizarre sort of reference… looked like he had a mustache. READ MORE
August 24th, 2011 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
This week’s sketch is another from my studies for the Secret Agent Man print (limited edition prints still available!)- this one is the final pencil sketch of Sean Connery. READ MORE
August 17th, 2011 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
I did this sketch of Malcolm in the Middle actor Erik Per Sullivan for one of the chapters in my book, The Mad Art of Caricature!. The chapter in question is focused on drawing and caricaturing individual features. Can you guess which feature this one was an example of? 😉 READ MORE
August 3rd, 2011 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
And now for something a little different. Several years ago The Lovey Anna and I went to Paris for our anniversary. While we were there we visited the Lourve, and I brought my sketchbook along. I did an obligatory study from a Da Vinci painting, but really got fascinated by Jacques-Louis David‘s Le Sacre de Napol?¬©on (the Coronation of Napoleon). This is a gigantic painting, 20′ a 32′, showing the coronation of Napoleon, and every single figure in it is unique and practically breathing with life and personality. Several of them were real people, including a few that weren’t actually at the ceremony, but even… READ MORE
July 27th, 2011 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
I’m still extremely busy trying to get caught up after being away for the San Diego Comic-Con, so here is one of the studies I did for the limited edition print I sold at Comic-Con (and am still selling). This is Roger Moore, the James Bond I remember from my youth. I thought he was THE James Bond, until I saw Sean Connery‘s earlier films after a recommendation from one of my middle-school teachers. Connery’s still the best, but I do like Daniel Craig in the role. READ MORE
July 20th, 2011 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Because I am at Comic-Con I have to cheat this week on the “Sketch o’the Week” and post a rough drawing for a recent project instead of something I drew specifically for this feature. This may be one of the less sensitive illustrations I’ve done in a while, but the purpose of the job was to illustrate the absolutely worst things you could do in certain difficult situation, like visiting a terminal friend in the hospital. The article it illustrates gives advice on how to do the right things in the same situations. READ MORE
July 13th, 2011 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Click for a closer look… I’m cheating this week and posting this digital painting instead of a “Sketch o’the Week”. A few people saw this as part of my The Mad Art of Caricature book cover and asked about it. I did it specifically for the book cover, based on an earlier SoTW. It’s your basic Photoshop job. READ MORE