Sketch O’The Week

Sketch o’the Week

April 7th, 2011 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

One day late this week…. my apologies. Quick 15 minute or so study of singer Taylor Swift. READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week

March 30th, 2011 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

This week’s sketch is a bit of a cop out… as it was part of a preliminary drawing for a cover illustration job I did recently. The subject is reality TV… uh…. “star” Kim Kardashian. The image changed quite a bit after the client’s art direction. I will be able to share that final art sometime next month. READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week

March 23rd, 2011 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

Ordinarily I mock and ridicule people who mock and ridicule things like movies, TV shows or books they haven’t at least tried or given a fair chance. That said, I have to admit I have never seen any of the “Twilight” movies nor read the books but am guilty of unilaterally disdaining them mainly because they are so inescapable in all aspects of pop culture that I’m just sick of hearing about them… kind of like the Kardashians and “Jersey Shore”. Then again, you could say the same thing about Harry Potter, and in that case I loved both the books and the movies. Frankly,… READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week

March 16th, 2011 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

This week’s subject: 2011 Academy Awards co-host and Oscar nominated actor James Franco. READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week

March 9th, 2011 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

A very quick sketch of total nutcase Charlie Sheen. Want conclusive evidence Charlie Sheen is crazy? Forget the drugs, the throwing away of a historically easy and lucrative TV gig, the ranting interviews, the tiger blood and Adonis DNA… you need look no farther than the two porno actresses he’s shacking up with. Of all the multitude of hot porn stars probably willing to move in with him, those two are his idea of “goddesses”? :crazy: READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week

March 2nd, 2011 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

As I am still swamped with catch up work following my vacation, this week’s “Sketch o’ the Week” is another cop out from an actual job. These drawings are part of a concept study for a statue that may or may not be produced as a promotional item for the film “I Want Your Money”, for which I did a bunch of animated character design and storyboard work. READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week

February 23rd, 2011 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

I am beyond swamped after both my vacation and my unexpected two day layover in Phoenix, so this will have to do as “Sketch o’the Week” this week. This is one of the panels from my parody of “Mad Men” in MAD #508, sketched on bristol board prior to inking. This panel features Jessica Par?¬© as Megan and Jon Hamm as Don. Hopefully MAD will finally let me post a sneak peek at the artwork soon. The issue is out and has been for weeks, but there is some kind of special something or another going on with it and they asked me to wait… READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week

February 16th, 2011 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

Since I am on vacation (and for once didn’t bring any work with me so no scanner or Cintiq)¬¨‚Ć this installment of “Sketch o’the Week” was drawn on the iPad using Sketchbook Pro. Subject: Liam Neeson. Drawn with my finger as I have none of those weird styluses with the marshmallow ends. Verdict: meh. Give me a pencil anyday. READ MORE


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