Sketch O’The Week

Sketch Week!- Friday

July 25th, 2008 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

Doing caricatures of beautiful women can be challenging, but if you look hard enough there is always something you can key in on. Scarlett Johansson might be gorgeous but she also has some very caricaturable features… squinty and small eyes set far apart, a wide and squarish nose, swollen lips, a fairly bulky jaw and chin and a small forehead. READ MORE

Sketch Week!- Thursday

July 24th, 2008 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

Today’s Sketch Week drawing is of director Guillermo Del Toro. I haven’t seen Hellboy 2 yet but it’s on my list. I can’t wait to see what he does with “The Hobbit“. READ MORE

Sketch Week!- Wednesday

July 23rd, 2008 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

Sketch Week keeps on truckin’ with this kind of small study of Anderson Cooper. Actual sketch is only a little over 3 inches tall. READ MORE

Sketch Week!- Tuesday

July 22nd, 2008 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

Sketch week continues with a quick sketch of late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmell. READ MORE

Sketch Week!- Monday

July 21st, 2008 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

Every once and a while I look over The MAD Blog and think: for an “art blog” there isn’t a whole lot of “art” here. So this week I am taking a break from writing and doing “Sketch Week”, with a new sketch every day. Some quick, some more involved… we shall see. Kicking off sketch week is a relatively quick study of Madonna. READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week

July 16th, 2008 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

Recently I came across a few rough sketches that I did to work up some of my theme park caricature samples some years ago. In a pinch (meaning when I don’t have time to do anything new for the Wednesday “sketch o’the week”) I will post one of these along with the resulting finished theme park sample. These are often very rough and loose. Here’s an early draft of my David Letterman sample. Notice in the final I made some changes to his overall head shape, especially in his forehead and brow, which made for a much more effective likeness. READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week

July 9th, 2008 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

This week’s sketch is of “The King”, rock and roll legend Elvis Presley. I’ve always found Elvis kind of a hard subject, I think mainly because I have this mental image of what he looks like and it doesn’t really match up with his actual features. If anyone wants some inspiration drawing Elvis, check out the blog of fellow Minnesota caricaturist Zack Wallenfang. He has been doing something really fun for the last several months that he calls “Elvis of the Day”. Each day he does a different drawing of Elvis. He’s up to 177 so far, but I see he’s fallen off the wagon… READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week

July 2nd, 2008 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

This week’s sketch is a quick study of the late, great Spencer Tracy from a photo reference circa 1942 1967. READ MORE


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